Greetings friends of hive, today I bring you a spectacular gluten free recipe, it is a super fluffy and moist inside and with an extraordinary flavor, it is a perfect dessert for snacking and for those people who do not consume wheat flour is perfect, I invite you to see my recipe and I hope you like them so join me to cook.


Preparación -Preparation
First step: Take 250 grams of already boiled and soft beans and process in a blender, then add a pinch of salt to balance the flavor.

Second step: then add 1/2 cup of sugar and 2 tablespoons of powdered milk and mix.

Then I added baking powder about 1/2 tablespoon, then 20 gr of bitter cocoa and mix.

Fourth step: finally add 2 eggs and vanilla to taste, and mix everything then put in a cake pan with a little oil and cornstarch and add small potions and let it bake for 20 min.

Espectaculares ponqués de caraotas. /🎂🎂 Spectacular cakes of beans.

I say goodbye dear hive community, I share this recipe with much affection as you could appreciate is very easy to prepare, they are very easy and super delicious, gluten free and very fluffy with a rich flavor, perfect for snacking, well my friends I hope you like it, see you another time.

Fotos tomadas desde teléfono Alcatel idol. / Photos taken from Alcatel idol phone.
Separadores y ediciones hechas en Canva. / Separators and editions made in Canva.