Happy Saturday dear hive community, today I have the pleasure of sharing some exquisite homemade chocolate cookies, these cookies are crackled and very soft inside, with a rich chocolate flavor, its preparation is very easy and fast, do not use so many ingredients, I recommend this sweet recipe today I had many cravings to eat cookies of this type crackled, my friends I invite you to see all my recipe without wasting more time let's cook.


Preparación -Preparation
First step: take a bowl, add 3 tablespoons of butter, 3 tablespoons of sugar and mix for 3 min, until you get a cream, then add coconut essence and continue mixing.

Second step: after having the butter cream I added 3 tablespoons of bitter cocoa, then I mixed everything.

Third step: add 1 cup of wheat flour, then knead until the ingredients are compact.

Fourth step: finally, form flattened balls and add cocoa on top, let it bake for 20 minut

Sábado de antojos de galleticas de chocolate. / 🍪🍫 Chocolate chip cravings Saturday

Well my friends of hive, I hope you liked the recipe, it was very easy to prepare, they are super rich homemade cookies to go with coffee, without saying more I'll see you another time.

Fotos tomadas desde teléfono Alcatel idol. / Photos taken from Alcatel idol phone.
Separadores y ediciones hechas en Canva. / Separators and editions made in Canva.