¡Hola Foodlovers!!!💖
A veces es necesario darse una escapadita y consentirse a uno mismo, bien sea saliendo de compras o comiendo algo rico, pues exactamente eso fue lo que hice este día que me fui a @HolaSuperCenter dónde fui a degustar unas deliciosas Fresas con Crema para darme un gustito dulce y hoy les comparto mi experiencia! 🍓✨
Hello Foodlovers!!!💖
Sometimes it's necessary to take a little getaway and pamper yourself, either going shopping or eating something delicious, well that's exactly what I did this day I went to @HolaSuperCenter where I went to taste some delicious Strawberries with Cream to give me a sweet treat and today I share my experience! 🍓✨

Al llegar pase por la vitrina de exhibición y habían muchísimos dulces pero cuando ví las fresas con crema fue amor a primera vista así que las pedí y me senté en una mesa a esperar mi postre.
These days I have been very busy so I decided to take a little getaway and dedicate some time for myself, I was craving for something sweet so I didn't think much about it and went to Hola Supercenter bakery where everything is delicious and of excellent quality.
When I got there I passed by the display case and there were many sweets but when I saw the strawberries with cream it was love at first sight so I ordered them and sat down at a table to wait for my dessert.
The strawberries are cream as the name suggests is a combination of fresh strawberries, Chantilly cream and strawberry syrup, this mixture of flavors is a pleasure to the palate, so I did not hesitate to order them. In a few minutes my dessert arrived at the table, I tell you that it looked very good, it was very fresh and the smell was sweetly delicious.

I started tasting and I must tell you that the strawberries with cream were exquisite, the cream had a sweet taste that in contrast with the acid of the strawberries was something spectacular, it had a maraschino cherry that was also fresh and delicious, something that certainly combined perfectly with the dessert, once I started eating I enjoyed every bite, I could not stop because the taste was really addictive and divine, without a doubt a 10 out of 10.

The cost of this dessert was 2.5 dollars which I think is fair for the quality and flavor that the strawberries with cream had, I particularly enjoyed them from start to finish and I would definitely come back for them, so if you are in Cumaná do not hesitate to visit the Hola Supercenter pastry shop to enjoy all the wonders they offer on their menu! As always it was a pleasure to share my experience with you!✨ Thanks for reading me! See you soon! 💖💫