Antique Bar: HiveFest Closing Drinks | [Eng][Esp]

in HiveFest6 months ago (edited)

Disco bar & Sushi
Riva, 6. Split, Croatia

*authorized photo

Every day of meetings during HiveFeast 2024 in Split was accompanied by good food and drinks, so the closing party prepared for the official farewell night of the event wasn't going to be an exception, even though some of us hadn't anticipated it.

It seems to me that most of us attended this closing event, including even the youngest attendees, such as the lovely baby Olivia, who at the end and for a very short time, felt confident enough to let me hold her for a while. Although she always made sure that her mother, @evelynchacin was in her field of vision hahahaha hopefully next time she will play more with me and you can rest a little more my friend xD.

It seems to me that at this point, no one wanted to miss the opportunity to share again a space to chat relaxedly among ourselves, for me as a first time attendee of a HiveFest, it was important to talk again with people after having listened to their presentations during the days of talks or having shared some other activity. They were no longer unfamiliar faces, but people with interesting purposes.

This day was for me one of the quietest, almost everything that was prepared for our stay during the meeting had already passed, so resting was becoming more and more a priority, so no early mornings or late nights, partying just in the appropriate measure for me.

The day had started with the RallyCar show, and although I attended, I was mostly sitting around drinking coffee while watching the others spin around in a car that was slowly becoming a less attractive adventure for me. A lot of spinning and steaming together, but it was a pleasant time because the weather was quite nice. Then we decided to go back home to rest for a while before the evening drinks.


Cada día de encuentros, durante el HiveFeast 2024 en Split, estuvo acompañado por buena comida y bebidas, por lo que el cierre preparado para la noche oficial de la despedida del evento no iba a ser la excepción, a pesar de que algunos de nosotros no lo habíamos previsto.

Me parece que la mayoría acudimos a este encuentro de cierre, incluyendo has a los más pequeños asistentes, como la encantadora baby Olivia, que al final y por muy poco tiempo, se sintió en confianza suficiente para dejarme cargarla un rato. Aunque siempre atenta de que su madre, @evelynchacin estuviese en su campo de visión jajajaja ojalá para la próxima se anime a jugar más conmigo y puedas descansar un poco más amiga xD.

Me parece que a esta altura, ninguno quería perderse la oportunidad de compartir nuevamente un espacio para charlar distendidamente entre nosotros, para mí como siendo asistente por primera vez de un HiveFest, fue importante hablar nuevamente con personas después de haber escuchado sus presentaciones durante los días de charlas o haber compartido alguna que otra actividad. Ya no eran caras desconocidas, sino personas con propósitos interesantes.

Este día fue para mi uno de los más tranquilos, ya había pasado casi todo lo que estaba preparado para nuestra estancia durante el encuentro, así que descansar se estaba convirtiendo cada vez más en una prioridad, por lo que nada de madrugar o trasnochar, la fiesta en su justa medida para mí.

El día había comenzado con la muestra del RallyCar, y aunque asistí, estuve más que todo sentada tomando café mientras veía a los demás dale vueltas dentro de un carro que poco a poco iba convirtiéndose en una aventura menos atractiva para mi. Mucha vuelta y humo juntos, pero fue un rato agradable porque hace bastante buen clima. Luego decidimos volver a casa para descansar un rato antes de la noche de tragos.

Once in Antiqur Bar we found several tables reserved on the terrace in front of the place, something that we liked a lot because, unlike the first day in Paradiso Bar, we could be seated away from the DJ and the crowd inside the place, so we could hear each other without having to shout. The weather was nice, in my opinion, and the night was gradually getting cooler but not excessively so.

We had several bartenders available to take note of the drinks we wanted constantly, an unlimited open bar while we were there, so after drinking pure beers during the previous days and being with the fun group of this photo above, where they included @cryptospa and @heruvim1978, I proposed that we try as the first cocktail of our night some caipirinhas.

I'm not much of a cocktail person, but I quite like this Brazilian invention. The caipirinha from antique bar was very successful, without overdoing the proportions of the mixture or too much added sugar. I liked it a lot. Among my fellow attendees, this drink was well received by some but not by others, I seem to remember that it was @forykw who said that they missed crushing the lime a little more, I didn't notice that because while I drink it I'm all the time moving and crushing the elements with the straw.


Una vez en Antiqur Bar nos encontramos con varias mesas reservadas en la terraza frente al local, algo que nos gustó mucho porque, a diferencia del primer día en Paradiso Bar, podíamos estar sentados lejos del Dj y el tumulto dentro del local, para poder escucharnos sin tener que gritar. Hacia buen tiempo, en mi opinión, poco a poco la noche se ponía más fresca pero sin excederse.

Teníamos varios camareros a disposición que pasaban a tomar nota de las bebidas que queríamos constantemente, una barra libre ilimitada mientras estuviésemos ahí, así que luego de haber bebido puras cervezas durante los días anteriores y estando con el divertido grupo de esta foto de arriba, en donde estaban @cryptospa y @heruvim1978, propuse que probáramos como primer cóctel de nuestra noche unas caipirinhas.

Yo no soy mucho de cocteles, pero esta invención brasileña me gusta bastante. La caipirinha de antique bar estaba muy lograda, sin excederse en las proporciones de la mezcla ni con demasiada azúcar. Me gusto mucho. Entre mis convidados, este trago estuvo bien recibido por algunos pero por otros no, me parece recordar que fue @forykw quien dijo que les faltó machar un poco más la lima, yo no me di cuenta de eso porque mientras lo bebo estoy todo el rato moviendo y machacando los elementos con la pajita.

But the best of all was not that we were tasting cocktails and drinks non-stop, but unexpectedly they began to serve us trays of sushi and Asian items at each table. At ours the surprise was great, as some like @ph1102 had brought cashews to snack between drinks for safety and others had made sure to dine before. I loved this because I did not expect it in the least and I got down to work quickly to take pictures before we come in the tray, of course, that night there was going to follow a gastronomic post that I had not contemplated, but as you can see, here we go.

It was a funny moment beyond the pleasant surprise of receiving the food, because my reaction was to warn everyone to give me a couple of minutes to take pictures and, with laughter and humor, everyone concluded that it was best to provide me with different light bulbs to counteract the gloom of the night and favor the photos of the review. I took it as a kind of challenge and in the end what I ended up doing was some forced shots of the food with a lot of light on top, but it was a super fun moment.

Below you can see the result of those photos before we started tasting the sushi prepared at Antique Bar. I know that if @bil.prag had taken the photos, they would have looked much better, but it was his time off and he wasn't in paparazzi mode this night, especially when it came to food hahaha.


Pero lo mejor de todo no fue que estuviésemos probando cócteles y bebidas sin parar, sino que sin advertirlo comenzaron a servirnos bandejas de sushi y elementos asiáticos en cada mesa. En l nuestra la sorpresa fue grande, pues algunos como @ph1102 había llevado anacardos para picar entre las bebidas por seguridad y otros se habían asegurado de cenar antes. A mi me encanto esto porque no lo esperaba en lo más mínimo y me puse manos a la obra rápidamente para hacer fotos antes de que nos salir en la bandeja, por supuesto, de esa noche iba a haber un post gastronómico que yo no había contemplado, pero ya ven, aquí estamos.

Fue un momento divertido más allá de la grata sorpresa al recibir la comida, porque mi reflejo fue advertir a todos que me dieran un par de minutos para hacer las fotos y, entre risas y comentarios, todos concluyeron que lo mejor era proporcionarme distintos focos de luz para contrarrestar la penumbra de la noche y favorecer las fotos de la reseña. Yo me lo tome como una especie de reto y al final lo que termine haciendo fue algunas tomas un poco forzadas de la comida con un montón de luz encima, pero fue un momento súper divertido.

A continuación pueden ver el resultado de esas fotos previas a que comenzáramos a degustar el sushi que preparan en Antique Bar. Sé que si @bil.prag hubiese hecho las fotos, habrían quedado mucho mejor, pero era su momento de descanso y no estaba el modo paparazzi esta noche, menos tratándose de la comida jajaja.

The sushi platter was composed of different elements, a bit to please everyone, I think. We had tempura rolls, cold, only with vegetables or fish and seafood. Plus some veggie spring rolls and tempura prawns and some great gyozas that I really liked. Everything was very good and in adequate quantities for the tables, which on occasion were served again on request without any problems.

Between food and drinks we were changing tables and conversation groups, I don't know exactly how, but the photos show it. I think that at some point, when the atmosphere of Antique was already at its peak, we were asked to occupy only the tables of a certain sector, there were many people there partying besides us Hivians.

It was at that moment of changing sectors, when I finally got a picture with @gtg who despite being always with a smile ready to answer any request, he used to be quite busy or at least surrounded during these days of HiveFest, so I didn't have many opportunities to talk to him much, I hope to fix that the next time our paths cross.

Some of these wonderful people, had to leave before the night was over, like @akipponn who came over warmly to say goodbye, something I was very grateful for because it would have weighed too heavily on me not to wish her a good trip, after all the nice she had been to me for all the previous days. 🥰

Jmmm also, all those blue #Worldmappin sweaters in the background of the photos, seemed to want to send me direct signals that we would close the deal that night of me joining the team as a collaborator of the project. Something that @lizanomadsoul took care of after having been testing me out the rest of the previous days xD.


La bandeja de sushi estaba compuesta por distintos elementos, un poco para complacer a cada quien, me parece. Teníamos roles tempura, fríos, solo con vegetales o de pesacado y marisco. Además unos rollitos de primavera vegelates y langostinos tempura y unas gyozas geniales que me gustaron mucho. Todo estaba muy bueno y en cantidades adecuadas para las mesas, que en alguna ocasión fueron servidas nuevamente a petición sin ningún tipo de problemas.

Entre comida y bebidas fuimos cambiando de mesa y grupos de conversación, no sé exactamente cómo la verdad, pero ls fotos lo demuestran. Creo que en algún momento, cuando el ambiente de Antique estaba ya en su apogeo, nos pidieron que ocupáramos sólo las mesas de cierto sector, había mucha gente allí de fiesta a parte de nosotros los Hivians.

Fue en ese momento de cambio de sectores, cuando conseguí una foto finalmente con @gtg quien a pesar de estar siempre con una sonrisa dispuesto a responder cualquier solicitud, solía estar bastante ocupado o al menos rodeado durante estos días del HiveFest, así que no tuve muchas oportunidades de hablarle mucho, espero arreglar eso la próxima vez que se crucen nuestros caminos.

Algunas de estas maravillosas personas, tenían que irse antes de que se terminara la noche, como @akipponn que se acercó cariñosamente a despedirse, algo que agradecí mucho porque me hubiese pesado demasiado no desearle un buen viaje, después de lo agradable que había sido conmigo durante todos los días anteriores. 🥰

Jmmm además, todos esos suéteres azules de #Worldmappin de fondo en las fotos, parecían querer enviarme señales directas de que esa noche cerraríamos el acuerdo de mi entrada al equipo como colaboradora del proyecto. Algo de lo que se encargó @lizanomadsoul luego de haberme estado poniendo a prueba el resto de días anteriores xD.

While talking about projects within Hive, improvements and proposals, our dear @detlev joined the table with as much optimism and ideas as the hunger he had, for having missed the sushi trays while walking from table to table without sitting down to eat. This is something we could not allow, letting my new boss go hungry does not seem to be a good option and, to be honest, if there is something that doesn't embarrass me is going to get food.

With no hesitation I went to our star organizer, lordbutterfly, and explained the situation, although I found it more direct to tell him that I was the target of the dish, so as not to bother him with so much explanation. Despite all the days we spent in his city, I think this was the time we exchanged words the most, and it was only about sushi and my preferences in that regard. Not for lack of willingness of any of us, but rather because this man was into everything and seemed always a bit annoying for me to approach him and bother him considering there were so many things he had to take care of. Another one of many pending conversations for a future chance.

Ok the important thing about all this is that I got an almost personalized dish, different from the trays served before and the truth is that with a great selection. Detlev was pleased with it and I was lucky enough to share the dish with him. Happily. 😁

I wanted to take the corresponding photos earlier, but the boss's hunger didn't leave me much room and he was all the time trying to take sushi pieces out of the photos hahahaha it was another funny moment because we captured a short sequence of my reactions of when someone wants to mess with "my food". 🤣


Hablando sobre proyectos dentro de Hive, mejoras y propuestas, nuestro querido @detlev se unió a la mesa con tanto optimismo e ideas como el hambre que tenia, por haberse perdido las bandejas de sushi al andar de mesa en mesa sin sentarse a comer. Esto es algo que no podíamos permitir, dejar pasar hambre a mi nuevo jefe no precia ser una buena opción y, siendo sincera, si hay algo que no me avergüenza a mí es eso de conseguir comida.

Sin dudarlo acudí a donde nuestro organizador estrella, lordbutterfly, y le expliqué la situación, aunque me pareció más directo decirle que yo era el objetivo del plato, para no marearle con tanta explicación. A pesar de todos los días que pasamos en su ciudad, creo que este fue el momento en que más intercambiamos palabras y fueron únicamente sobre sushi y mis preferencias al respecto. No por falta de ganas de ninguno, sino más bien porque este hombre estaba en todo y siempre me pareció un poco pesado de mi parte acercarme a molestar t teniendo en cuenta tantas cosas de las que él debía encargarse. Otra de muchas conversaciones pendientes para una próxima oportunidad.

Ok lo importante de todo esto es que obtuve un plato casi personalizado, diferente a las bandejas servidas anteriormente y la verdad es que con una selección genial. Detlev quedó satisfecho con ello y yo tuve la suerte de competir el plato con él. Felizmente. 😁

Quería hacer las respectivas fotos antes, pero el hambre del jefe no me dejó mucho margen y él estaba todo el rato intentando sacar piezas de sushi de las fotos jajajaja fue otro momento divertido porque capturamos una corta secuencia de mis reacciones de cuando alguien quiere meterse con “mi comida”. 🤣

We ate well and drank well too, proof of that are these last photos of the sushi and the drink that do not have much harmony, I was taking them myself and it seemed a nonsense, but I think it's a good idea to record it here, because what it really means is that we were also having a great time.

Starting the day, before we began eating, one of the waitresses was very nice to us and was very patient with Evelynchachin and me as we read the cocktail menu. At that moment, I saw that they had Ron pampero aniversario 12 años, a rum from Venezuela and I switched from the first cocktail to this one, only with ice and a slice of lemon, subtle and with the familiar taste of rum from my homeland. My good friend the waitress served me three of these, but when the shift changed and another waiter started serving us, he told me that he couldn't serve me that hahaha so at the end I didn't know who of the two was wrong and I had to go back to the caipirinhas.

I left shortly after midnight, but there are more interesting stories from the other attendees who partied until 4am and, I don't understand how, joined the next pirate ship adventure at 9am, they are machines no doubt, I wouldn't be able to.

My experience at the closing night was great, a moment to strengthen ties with people I had just met but with whom I had no trouble connecting, people who have made me feel extremely special and fortunate to have discovered this ecosystem. I don't know how there are no pictures of us here @livinguktaiwan, but I really liked the close and sincere way I perceived from you that night, I really like listening to you, but I don't know if I like it more than watching you argue with @ph1102 xD.

Hive people are very cool, I'm aware that there are many people I couldn't even say hello to, I don't know in what time I could have done it, because I still feel that the moments shared with those I did have the opportunity to talk were scarce. I think it is still important that quality is before quantity, so my hopes are that we continue to be all in the same tune within the ecosystem to coincide again and have another opportunity to talk.

As a farewell I have to share the video made by @bil.prag of that night, although he is very perfectionist with his work, I think the result is great, beyond the technical, it shows how entertained, happy and focused we all were that night, sharing experiences among Hivians. Also, it has made me realize how much I gesticulate when I'm talking hahaha maybe I could learn sign language to make sense of all the hand movements I make when I talk. Thank you gentleman, for giving us this video of that night, I liked it very much and that's why I would like that people who visit this post can also enjoy it.


Comimos bien y bebimos bien también, constancia de eso son estas últimas fotos del sushi y el trago que no tienen mucha armonia, yo misma las estaba sacando y me parecía un despropósito, pero me parece buena idea dejar constancia de ello aquí, porque lo que realmente significa es que también lo estábamos pasando muy bien.

Comenzando la jornada, antes de que empezáramos comer, una de las camareras fue muy agradable con nosotros y nos tuvo mucha paciencia a Evelynchachin y a mi mientras leíamos la carta de cócteles. En ese momento, vi que tenían Ron pampero aniversario 12 años, un ron de Venezuela y ca cambié del primer coctel a este, solo con hielo y una rodaja de limón, sutil y con el sabor familiar del ron de mi tierra. Mi buena amiga la camarera me sirvió tres de estos, pero cuando cambio el turno y nos comenzó a tender otro mesero, me dijo que él no podía servirme eso jajaja así que al final no supe quien de los dos estaba equivocado y tuve que volver a las caipirinhas.

Yo me retiré poco después de la media noche, pero hay historias más interesantes de los demás asistentes que estuvieron de fiesta hasta las 4am y que, no entiendo como, se unieron a las 9am a la siguiente aventura del barco pirata, son unas máquinas sin duda, yo no hubiera sido capaz.

Mi experiencia en la noche de cierre fue genial, un momento para afianzar lazos con personas que acababa de conocer pero con las que no me costó conectar, gente que me ha hecho sentir sumamente especial y afortunada de haber descubierto este ecosistema. No sé cómo no hay fotos nuestras aquí @livinguktaiwan, pero me gusto mucho la forma cercana y sincera que percibí de ti esa noche, me gusta mucho escucharte, pero no sé si me guste más que ver como discutes con @ph1102 xD.

La gente de Hive es muy genial, soy consciente de que hay muchas personas a las que no pude siquiera saludar, no sé en qué tiempo pude haberlo hecho, porque aún siento que fueron escasos los momentos compartidos con aquellos que si tuve l oportunidad de hablar. Creo que sigue siendo importante eso de calidad antes que cantidad, así que mis esperanzas son que sigamos estando todos en misma sintonía dentro del ecosistema para volver a coincidir y tener otra oportunidad de hablar.

Para despedirme tengo que compartir el vídeo que ha realizado @bil.prag de esa noche, aunque él es muy perfeccionista con su trabajo, a mi me precio que el resultado está genial, más allá de lo técnico, muestra lo entretenidos, contentos y concentrados que estábamos todos esa noche, compartiendo experiencias entre Hivians. Además, me ha hecho darme cuenta lo mucho que gesticulo cuando estoy hablando jajaja quizá me vendría bien aprender lenguaje de señas para darle sentido a tanto movimiento que hago con las manos al hablar. Gracias caballero, por regalarnos este vídeo de esa noche, a mi me gusto muchísimo y por eso quisiera que también puedan verlo las personas que se pasen por este post.

*authorized video

Proudly member of the curation team


That was indeed, a night to remember! So many great people, in a great mood, and a lot of laughs, and talks!

I'm glad that you took the time to make these photos and to write this post, as people wouldn't believe how great was there... 😃

Jmmm also, all those blue #Worldmappin sweaters in the background of the photos, seemed to want to send me direct signals that we would close the deal that night of me joining the team as a collaborator of the project. Something that @lizanomadsoul took care of after having been testing me out the rest of the previous days xD.

I think that the strategy was to make you drunk so that you would easily accept the deal! 😂

Thanks for the awesome recap of closing drinks!!! 😍 ❤️
See you at the next Hive meetup!

HAhaha naaa, we waited until she was sober again to propose to her. We are not taking advantage of drunk people 😀😀😀 It was her free will when she accepted! It is all recorded and proofable 😂😂😂😂

Did I say that I love Sushi a lot. And especially as this one was very good. Sadly, all the people where full so I had to share the huge platter only with @ninaeatshere in a result of a big big smile in both our faces.

¿Mencioné que me encanta el sushi? Y especialmente este, que estaba muy bueno. Lamentablemente, todos estaban llenos, así que tuve que compartir el enorme plato solo con @ninaeatshere, lo que resultó en una gran sonrisa en nuestras caras.

I cherish your spanish translation sooooo much!💙💙💙
Hahaha I don't think any of us regretted not sharing it with more people, it was a great night!

We can do Hive Sushi meet up 😁 Here is a Japanese in Germany 🇩🇪 🇯🇵

You didn't try the late-night sushi (damn.. spoiler alert for my next post)... it was 5 stars!

I have validators... need to review who they where !LOL 🤣

I used to be addicted to the hokey-pokey
but then I turned myself around.

Credit: theabsolute
@detlev, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of forykw

Delegate Hive Tokens to Farm $LOLZ and earn 110% Rewards. Learn more.

Hi @ that food looks really good, I'm getting ready to attend a Hivefest one day.

You're very cute @ninaeatshere

And I'm glad you got to know @forykw , he's my teacher here at Hive

In the video everyone looks like Hollywood actors


Thanks for sharing these memories with us @ninaeatshere! What better thing could we do than to order us food and drinks to get you on the team asap 🤣 - It was all well planned 😎 - Great pictures, I can not look at it too long without getting hungry.

That's where you got me so easy!
Free food and drinks, although not sponsored by the team hahaha more than well thought out huh?
That night was also full of intense conversations, thanks for your patience and advices, you are a beautiful person and it was nice to be able to talk to you so comfortably.🥰

Haha well, we are masterminds 🐝🐝🐝 We get you without you noticing - not leaving any proof at our steps 😎
That is true, I enjoyed spending time with you and having deep talks. Thanks for the compliment ☀️ can only give it back like that. I am glad our paths crossed and I got to know you closer. I am already looking forward to our next meeting in person 😊🍺👍

watching you argue with @ph1102


Was that us trying to drag him to the boat trip the next day? 😁 He just wouldn't budge

Exactly! We never argue, just discuss!!! 😜 😘

You two are a couple of true characters!

This gent is very stubborn hahaha I don't think one can stop him from getting his way!

We need to get Mrs ph1102 here next time

Well said... 😂 - I have the same problem in Portuguese...

Discussion - discussão (more towards fighting but not necessary)
Argue - argumentação (more like making a point)

In English these are the other way around...

Aunque no tomé alcohol, probé las caipirinas y estaban buenas y el sushi me encantó, tú te diste cuenta jajaja. La pasamos muy bien este día, y fue genial que Olivia se dejó cargar un rato por ti pero viendo que su mamá estuviera cerca jajaja. Tampoco me da vergüenza ir por comida pero aquí no lo esperábamos y nos sorprendieron. Quiero repetir este día ❤️

Esa chica fue genial, me tuvo paciencia para encontrar la cerveza que quería llevarle a Pawel jajaja

Jajaja to' el sushi pa' nosotras jajajaja ¡estaba bueno! Oli es una niña inteligente, no anda agarrando confianza con cualquiera jaja ohhhh "Quiero repetir este día ❤️" siento lo mismo que tú :D

he used to be quite busy or at least surrounded during these days of HiveFest, so I didn't have many opportunities to talk to him much, I hope to fix that the next time our paths cross.

Oh, I'm sorry, you should use a secret spell:
"Hey, YOU! We need to talk!"
(Make serious face, or idk, lure with ice creams ;-) )

Hahaha that's true, I had to cast some spells to get to talk to a great wizard x'D but hey, the ice cream idea is good, I'm good at those things, let's see if next time I can summon you correctly! 😊🍦🧙

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Congratulations @ninaeatshere! You received a personal badge!

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Hive Power Up Month Challenge - September 2024 Winners List
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Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2024

May the Hive Power be with you!

Love that!!!

Today I'm in the mood to join the monthly power up, so let's get to it!

Hehe, good luck with the monthly power up, and may your Hive journey be rewarding! 😊

Hola amiga, gracias por compartir con todos nosotros esa hermosa experiencia. Exitos y bendiciones

Oh ha sido todo un placer, tener la suerte de haber estado aquí da muchos ánimos para hablar de todo esto. Te agradezco el apoyo y que apreciaras el blog. :)

I honestly think those waiters hated us :)) also now I'm a bit sad. We didn't know there was gonna be food so we went off in search of local delicacies. Damn that sushi looks divine. Sounds like you had a great time on closing night.

I just don't get tired of the video @bil.prag made. Love @detlev randomly breaking out into metalhead madness for two seconds. And you at the end just eyeing the crowd. 🤗🤍

Yes, total bummer honestly, but I'm sure what you tasted wasn't bad! Overall, I liked the food there.
It's the same for me, I watch it and I get a smile seeing the expressions of others, of course Detlev's is the most epic! I am very grateful that you stopped by this post, sending you a big hug!

sometimes its funny when people thing you are taking a photo but you are actually filming :D

:D do you get footage of people standing still thinking they're posing for a photo and you're just filming?

Crim did it in this video, but i already had enough video to be able to cut off and not being weird. and the transformation from serious talk to turning with a smile looked nice :)

Happens all the time, sometimes i try to tell them i am filming, it looks awkward, sometimes i just let them think i took a photo.

To be honest i think people are not aware how many photos and videos does not see the light of the day because of how they looked 😂 (probably more photos as you are freezing a frame, could be pretty bad some times 😂 )

Love your new profile pic <3

i heard that from good amount of people, we even talked about it a bit, lordbutterfly was joking that it is September and everyone would be happy if tourists went home 😁

but i must say i didn't experienced it at all. Everyone was super friendly. Yes they forgot about me few times and were late with a drink, but they were always nice 😂

could be the language. or it could be all of you people 😜

Que velada tan divina. Me encanta.

¡Lo fue! Tan divina como llena de sorpresas, teníamos muchas ganas y fue todo un éxito. Me alegra que te agradara pasar por aquí, ¡muchas gracias por la visita!

Not a big sushi fan, but I liked the prawns.

Yes, prawns were very good, but despite the sushi, what about the drinks? x'D

I am most of the time fighting a Coca Cola addiction and try to have lot of water. Drinks are not something I enjoy. I have no alcoholic ones either.

What a great account of your experience at HiveFeast 2024! I love that you were able to connect with people, thanks for sharing! 🎉🍣🥳

Yeah, before attending this kind of events one thinks that everything will be so complicated, many different profiles, very undergound people hahaha but at the end we all have some little thing in common that keeps us inside the platform. Thanks to you for stopping by.

delicioso el sushi, me encanta. Incluso se preparar algunos.
Que bueno esa unión y que conoces hiver.

i think the first time i actually took time to photograph food was on this trip, with a review and worldmappin in mind. So not sure how good would the photos be :)

i tired to fit this short clip into the video but it didn't work but now i have to share it :)

The title was suggested by AI and it was funny to me so i had to click on it (video is unlisted so it is seen only by people with the link). But it is also a bit scary that AI actually made sense of anything from this 5 sec video.

Te cambio pizza por sushi, me estas matando, me chifla. Hemos disfrutado de los espacios del hivefest a través de los participantes y nos ha encantado.
Un abrazo @ninaeatshere


$PIZZA slices delivered:
@sacra97(2/15) tipped @ninaeatshere

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From Venezuela, our witness drives decentralization and the adoption of Web3 technology, creating opportunities for the local community and contributing to the global ecosystem. // Desde Venezuela, nuestro testigo impulsa la descentralización y la adopción de la tecnología Web3, generando oportunidades para la comunidad local y contribuyendo al ecosistema global.

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Be ready for the October edition of the Hive Power Up Month!
Hive Power Up Day - October 1st 2024

I once again saw how positive a person you are! Even being outside on this cold last evening, you have only good impressions :) If I could speak English at a good conversational level, I would like to chat with you on various topics and make friends! Hopefully I can do it next HiveFest!

I'm in a bind 🤔, after finishing reading the post, I can't think of anything profound to comment on. I can only highlight how well described the experience is (it transmits joy) and that the photos are spectacular.

And the video is a great contribution to the publication.

A big hug Nina.

Estoy en un aprieto 🤔, después de terminar de leer el post, no se me ocurre nada profundo que comentar. Sólo se me ocurre resaltar lo bien descrito que está la experiencia (transmite alegría) y que las fotos son espectaculares.

Y el vídeo es una aportación genial a la publicación.

Un abrazo muy grande Nina.

I miss the Sushi and Rum! 🍹😉

I seem to remember that it was @forykw who said that they missed crushing the lime a little more, I didn't notice that because while I drink it I'm all the time moving and crushing the elements with the straw.

Flavours =)

Loved your positive attitude and vibe. You have a special ingredient of that kind of stuff called... "I'm happy to hang around every time with a big smile and energic attitude..." and I am really in favour of those people, I might even protect them... The world needs more of the like of YOU!

Forky, shushhh... LOL