Let's eat HiveFest here | [Eng][Esp]

in HiveFest6 months ago

It's a fact, see guys tomorrow! Well, to those who will attend the ninth #HiveFest in the city of Split, but also to those who couldn't attend and who, like me, last year read the stories of those who met in Mexico.

It hasn't been so easy to manage myself to attend, but while a couple of days ago alone, I ate a delicious cream cake in a Portuguese village, I got down to work to define the last details that would let me join this adventure.

I spent months thinking about whether to go or not, reading how excited many people were when the city where HiveFest would take place was announced and also listening to hints from some Hivers that invited me not to miss it.

In the end, by some strange life things, I had these days available for the trip, something that was impossible when the HiveFest was announced. It was not that complex to organize the trip, but I had to take care of some personal and work arrangements. But I was able to do it, and here I am, shouting it out to the world just one day before the show starts hahahaha.


¡Es un hecho, nos vemos mañana! Bue o, a los que asistan al noveno #HiveFest en la ciudad de Split, aunque también a los que no han podido asistir y que como yo, el año pasado leía las historias de los que se encontraron en México.

No ha sido tan fácil gestionarme para poder asistir, pero mientras hace un par de días tan solo, me comía un delicioso pastel de nata en un pueblo portugués, me puse manos a la obra para definir los últimos detalles que me permitirían unirme a esta aventura.

Estuve meses pensando si ir o no, leyendo lo emocionado que estaban muchos cuando se anunció la ciudad en la que se llevaría a cabo el HiveFest y además, escuchando indirectas de algunos Hivers que me convidaban a no dejarlo pasar.

Al final, por cosas extrañas de la vida, tuve estos días a disposición para el viaje, algo que al momento de haber anunciado el HiveFest, era imposible. No fue tan complejo organizar el viaje, pero sí ocuparme de dejar en orden algunas gestiones personales y laborales. Pero lo pude hacer, y aquí estoy, gritándolo a los cuatro vientos a tan solo un día de que comience el show jajajaja.

The road then had to be a bit longer than it normally would be. Finding myself in Portugal, I had to start a road trip of about 6 hours to get back to my city, Zaragoza, where I had to take care of some business this morning in order to continue the trip.

During the road trip I came across several of the huge posters of the Spanish bull, I thought it would be a good idea to use it as a way to document the road from here to the Adriatic.

After settling my affairs, I was in a constant change of public transportation, a trolley, two buses, a long distance train, another commuter train and, why not mention it, the shuttle between the airport terminals to get to where my flight would depart.

But on the way I have been reading about other Hivers journeys to Croatia and honestly mine, beyond dynamic, is not as complicated as others.


El camino tuvo que ser entonces un poco más largo de lo que normalmente sería. Al encontrarme en Portugal, tuve que comenzar un viaje por carretera de unas 6 horas hasta regresar a mi cuidad, Zaragoza, en donde tenía que encargarme de algunos asuntos esta mañana para poder continuar con el viaje.

Durante el viaje en carretera me encontré con varios de los enormes carteles del toro español, me pareció oportuno utilizarlo como forma de documentar el camino desde aquí hasta el adriático.

Luego de resolver mis asuntos, estuve en un constante cambio de medios de transporte público, un tranvía, dos buses, un tren de larga distancia, otro tren de cercanías y, por qué no mencionarlo, el shuttle entre las terminales del aeropuerto para llegar hasta donde saldría mi vuelo.

Pero de camino he estado leyendo sobre los viaje de otros Hivers hasta Croacia y sinceramente el mío, más allá de dinámico, no resulta tan complicado como el de los demás.

Right now I've passed the airport control in Barcelona and I'm waiting for the departure of my flight. I will arrive in the evening, so most likely I will get to rest directly.

While I wait, I've been wandering around the aisles of the airport and couldn't resist sharing how unique vending machines can be in this country.

This last image in particular, promoted by some famous Catalan chefs, offers interesting quality products, lots of gourmet ham and delicate tapas to liven up the boring airport wait. Why spend money on the typical snacks when for almost the same price you can enjoy Iberian acorn-fed ham or a tin of olives. Hahahaha

See you shortly Split, I'm really looking forward to it!


Ahora mismo he pasado el control del aeropuerto en Barcelona y estoy a la espera de que den señales sobre la salida de mi vuelo. Llegaré en la noche, así que lo más probable es llegue a descansar directamente.

Mientras espero, he estado dando vueltas por los pasillos del aeropuerto y no me pude resistir a compartir lo únicas que pueden llegar a ser las máquinas expendedoras en este país.

Esta última imagen en particular, promocionada por unos famosos chef catalanes, ofrece productos de calidad interesante, mucho jamón gourmet y tapas delicadas para amenizar la aburrida espera de los aeropuertos. Para qué gastarte dinero en las típicos chuches si por casi el mismo precio puedes disfrutar de jamón ibérico de bellota o una latita de aceitunas. Jajajaja

¡Nos vemos pronto Split, estoy muy ilusionada!

Thanks for dropping by!

Free Icons from: Iconfinder
Photo credits: All of the photos in this post
were taken by me with my Iphone 11 and belong to me.


Vaya qué bien! Estás yendo! Yo estuve en Split hace años, y me gustó mucho, espero que el HiveFest sea fantástico y lo disfrutes mucho 🤩🙌

What did the priest get the altar boy for his birthday?
A Praystation 5

Credit: reddit
@ninaeatshere, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of duvinca



Graaaaacias! Hubiese sido un éxito encontrarnos allá. Espero que en alguna otra oportunidad se pueda :D

Ojalá sí, ¡me encantaríaaaaaaa!

Jajaja OMG hay que empezar quedando más cerca!!!

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Have a good trip ✈️ I hope it will be a great Hive fest. Superb photos, I liked the silhouette of the bull sign.

For other reasons I just arrived in BCN. 👋

Oooh we should meet sometime!! I’d love to!
Thanks a lot, I’ll try to post what’s behind all that hype!

I hope so, that you tell us something about the meeting. And of course, I would also like to meet you someday and also meet Paloma in person. Of course, I wouldn't mind going to Zaragoza.

Best regards.

Well then, we’ll get on that soon!


Very cool. I hope you have a good time. I doubt I will ever be able to attend a Hive fest as long as it takes place at this time of year and it is outside of the US. I wish we had some more regional meet ups over here, but the distances are just too far for people to travel.

US is just huge. I understand what you mean, it is a complex and expensive plan. But I don't think it's impossible that one of these events will take place there, I think summer is recurrent because there are more people with available dates.

Well, it all comes from sowing the first seed, you create a meetup in your city with enough time for some people to consider it and it might end up being easier than you think! The thing is to give it a try.

I've thought about getting together with some of the people in Michigan, but I am not sure how many people would actually show up. This time of year with the beginning of the school year is never going to work for me.

Sending love and curation Ecency vote. keep giving the best♥️

Aww love back to you guys! Thanks a lot for supporting!!

Have fun in Croatia.
You should definitely go to a bakery and eat a Burek. We were in Croatia last month and loved it.

Absolutely! thank you for the recommendation! I assure you I will set out to get the best one hahahaha it's always exciting to try new things. Thanks for stopping by to say hi ☺️

Que bien, que emoción ir a un HiveFest, espero poder ir algún día a alguno, si es que lo haben en Cuba 😂.
Ya veré las publicaciones de como les va por allá.
Que te diviertas!

Oye pues en cuba sería genial, una idea maravillosa, habrá que ir esparciéndola por ahí para que lo tengan en cuenta jajajajaja muchas gracias, la verdad es que si es bastante la emoción.

¡Queeé bien! Seguro lo pasarás excelente :)

Uuuy eso espero jajaja vamos a ver qué tal este primer contacto de fest! Mucha emoción por aquí!

¡Estaré esperando tus reportes! 😃 👏

¡Pero bueno, qué sorpresa! No me imaginaba que el destino de tus vacaciones era Split, jajaja. Toma buena nota de cómo tienes que organizar el futuro HiveFest Zaragoza. 😜 Pásalo genial. ❤️🤗

Great to read and see about your trip. Plus, I adore pastel de nata too :)

@tipu curate

Welcome to Split. See you tomorrow.

See you soon :-)

Nice choice on our typical desserts! ;) Have fun at Hivefest!

I Do love IT! It's an addiction, I think it's a sin that there are people who don't know them hahaha. I'm glad to know that someone local has recognized this delight by stopping by my blog. Thanks for letting me know.

My pleasure! Next time you visit, ping me; I have a whole list of must-try portuguese desserts and pastries! ;)

Oh I'll take your word on that! It's something I'm very interested in, the last new thing I tried was "farofias", like an egg white pudding.

Another classic! :)