Restaurant Gusar: HiveFest Gala dinner | [Eng][Esp]

in HiveFest6 months ago


Restoran & Catering
Spinutska ulica, 69. Split, Croatia

HiveFest continued and it was getting harder and harder to make time to share a post, while we were living the experience, I'm writing this since last Wednesday and I'm just finishing it 5 days later. I already knew it would be hard to keep up the pace on the blog while we are all here, but the truth is that it is really worth it to let yourself get carried away by the moment and try to keep your mind in reality, because for once, my real world seems to be the same as the virtual one.

So, picking up a bit on conversations about the delicious things prepared for us by #HifeFest organizers @roelandp and @lordbutterfly (hats off to you guys!) let me walk you through the gala dinner menu, with which we closed the first day of conferences at Hive Fest.

After enjoying the catering at Meštrović galleries , a bus took us at 17h from that wonderful location where we spent the whole day, to the place where Restaurant Gusar is located, the ones in charge of recharging the energy we spent during that heated day.


El HiveFest continuaba y cada vez era más difícil hacer tiempo para compartir un post, mientras vivíamos la experiencia, estoy escribiendo esto desde el pasado miércoles y apenas lo termino 5 días después. Ya sabía que sería difícil mantener el ritmo en el blog mientras estamos todos aquí, pero la verdad es que vale mucho la pena dejarse llevar por el momento e intentar mantener la mente en la realidad, porque por una vez, mí mundo real parece ser el mismo que el virtual.

Así que, retomando un poco conversaciones sobre las cosas deliciosas que han preparado para nosotros los organizadores del #HifeFest @roelandp y @lordbutterfly (¡me quito el sombrero ante ustedes chicos!) permítanme guiarles por el menú de la cena de gala, con la que cerramos el primer día de conferencias en el Hive Fest.

Después de disfrutar del catering en las galerías Meštrović , un autobús nos llevo a las 17h desde ese maravilloso emplazamiento en donde estuvimos todo el día, hasta el lugar donde se ubica el Restaurante Gusar, encargados de recargar la energía que gastamos durante ese acalorado día.




Upon arrival we were surprised by the beautiful setting, delicately decorated and conditioned so that we were all comfortable, with incredible views of the sea where we could enjoy the wonderful sunset while waiting for our dinner.

I was also surprised to find the stage prepared to accompany our evening with live music, by the hand of artists who work within the web3 and promote their music with NFTs and blockchain technology. They were doing some soundchecks as soon as we arrived and I was very excited to hear what was to come.

We were also welcomed with some refreshments to whet our appetite, although to tell the truth there were many people who had arrived hungry enough to start eating right away hahaha although the service started punctually at 18:00.

The liquor we were offered, upon arrival, was the typical Rakija, a kind of herbal brandy, with different flavors available besides the standard one, such as cherry, flowers or honey. All quite strong in taste and fun to try.


Nada más llegar nos sorprendió el hermoso espacio, delicadamente decorado y acondicionado para que todos estuviésemos cómodos, con unas increíbles vistas hacia el mar en donde pudimos disfrutar del maravilloso atardecer mientras esperábamos nuestra cena.

También me sorprendió encontrar el escenario preparado para acompañar nuestra velada con música en vivo, de la mano de artistas que se desenvuelven dentro de la web3 y que promocionan su música con NFTs y tecnología blockchain. Estaban realizando algunas pruebas de sonido nada más llegar y me entusiasmé mucho por escuchar lo que vendría más adelante.

También fuimos recibidos con unos aperitivos para ir abriendo un poco más nuestro apetito, aunque a decir verdad había mucha gente que había llegado con suficiente hambre para comenzar a comer de inmediato jajaja aunque el servicio comenzó puntual a las 18:00.

El licor que nos ofrecieron, al momento de llegar, era la típica Rakija, una especie de aguardiente de hierbas, con distintos sabores a disposición además del estándar, como cereza, flores o miel. Todos bastante fuertes de sabor y divertidos de probar.




Beef carpaccio, cheeses and pâté



At scheduled time, the waiters began to perform a kind of dance between our tables, to serve us the food. They were very well coordinated and it was amusing to see how, almost at the same time, they placed in front of each diner the first dish of the four-course menu created for this dinner.

We had two cold starters available, the dish prepared for the majority was a beef carpaccio, although for the vegan attendees they served some vegetable rolls that looked spectacular, I could not try the latter, but I took profit of the recent acquaintance I had had with @delishtreats to get the photo and ask her if it was actually good. First vegan dish approved.

The omnivore version of the first dish was quite special, some people were not entirely enthusiastic about the idea of eating "raw meat" so I was able to take another bite with the portion that @evelynchacin gave me, because the truth is that it was really delicious. The accompaniments were a slightly spicy Slovak pâté, along with a variety of aged cheeses, all with strong flavors, but in just the right amounts so that the whole would be balanced. I liked it a lot.


A la hora pactada, los camareros comenzaron a realizar una especie de danza entre nuestras mesas, para servirnos la comida. Estos estaban muy bien coordinados y fue divertido ver como, casi al mismo tiempo, ponían delante de cada comensal el primer plato del menú de cuatro pases, creado para esta cena.

Teníamos dos entradas frías a disposición, el plato preparado para la mayoría era un carpaccio de carne, aunque para los veganos asistentes sirvieron unos rollitos vegetales que tenían una pinta espectacular, no pude probar estos últimos, pero aproveché la reciente confianza que había tenido con @delishtreats para obtener la foto y preguntarle si estaba realmente bueno. Primer plato vegano aprobado.

La versión omnívora del primer plato era particular, algunas personas no estuvieron del todo contentas con la idea de comer “carne cruda” por lo que yo, pude repetir con la porción que @evelynchacin me cedió, porque la verdad es que estaba realmente delicioso. Los acompañantes eran un paté eslovaco ligeramente picante, junto a una variedad de quesos añejados, todo con sabores fuertes, pero en cantidades correctas para que el conjunto fuera equilibrado. Me gustó mucho.




As for the drinks, there was everything, of course the waiters offered us both white and red wine to pair with the dishes, but I noticed that someone had ordered a beer and some cocktails, so I went to the bar to check what the beer tap they had was from. I happily returned to my table, with a nice cold glass of Ožujsko Pivo the quintessential Croatian light beer, which turned out to be a good accompaniment to the whole menu.

When I returned to the table, Violetta Zironi was preparing on the stage to open the series of concerts that would enliven the whole evening and that, beyond accompanying the dinner, captivated us with beautiful lyrics and melodies. On several occasions I even put my attention to the singers, instead of the dishes hahahaha but only for a few minutes.

Violetta was simply wonderful, I loved her enthusiasm for promoting music consumption through the web3 and her story of how she came to prefer the on chain world after surviving the centralized music industry. Lovely voice and staging, I fell in love with her music immediately, so she's secured herself a new fan hahaha.


En cuanto a las bebidas, había de todo, por supuesto los camareros nos ofrecían tanto vino blanco como tinto para maridar los platos, pero me fijé que alguien había pedido una cerveza y algunos cócteles, así que me dirigí a la barra para comprobar de que era el grifo de cervezas que tenían. Volví felizmente a mi mesa, con una copa bien fría de Ožujsko Pivo la cerveza croata ligera por excelencia, que resultó ser buen acompañamiento para todo el menú.

Al volver a la mesa, además, estaba preparándose en la tarima Violetta Zironi, para abrir la tanda de conciertos que amenizarían toda la noche y que, más allá de acompañar la cena, nos atraparon con hermosas letras y melodías. En varias ocasiones incluso antepuse mi atención a los cantantes, en vez de a los platos jajajaja pero solo durante unos minutos.

Violetta fue simplemente maravillosa, me encantó su entusiasmo por promover el consumo musical a través de la web3 y su historia de como llegó a preferir el mundo on chain luego de sobrevivir a la industria musical centralizada. Una encantadora voz y puesta en escena, me enamoré de su música inmediatamente, así que se ha asegurado una nueva fan jajaja.

Istrian Pasta with Truffles and Prosciutto



The second dish on the menu, a warm dish, caught us right away just by the smell of it. It was artisan Fuži pasta with truffle. Delicious truffles, something I was really looking forward to eating because it is usually a must when visiting Split, so, mission accomplished.

The huge plate contained an individual portion of pasta, enough, although at first it seemed little. The best thing about it was the intensity of the sauce, which I couldn't help but dip into the bread that the waiters kept restocking.

The sauce also had quite a few pieces of Serrano ham, or the local version of it, of course. The set was very good, although I enjoyed the whole menu, I think this was the dish that surprised me the most, it would be the one I would definitely repeat.

As for the music, @iamlosi was the second to take over the stage, with a lot of rhythm and feeling. Her music made our spirits rise and we were very excited while listening to her presentation. She also gifted us with a couple of beautiful songs in Spanish, very meaningful and at the end she was super nice sharing with the other Hivers. We also had the chance to meet afterwards and at all times you were very approachable, thank you for brightening up this evening with your talent!


El segundo plato en el menú, el plato caliente, nos atrapó tan solo con el olor. Se trataba de pasta Fuži artesana con trufa. Deliciosas trufas, algo que tenía muchas ganas de comer porque suele ser un must cuando visitas Split, así que, misión cumplida.

El enorme plato contenía una porción de pasta individual, suficiente, aunque al principio parecía poco. Lo mejor de todo era la intensidad de la salsa, que no pude evitar rebañar con el pan que los camareros no paraban de reponer.

La salsa, además, tenía bastantes trozos de jamón serrano, o la versión local de este, claro. El conjunto estuvo muy bueno, aunque disfruté de todo el menú, creo que este fue el plato que más me sorprendió, sería el que sin duda repetiría.

En cuanto a la música, @iamlosi fue la segunda en adueñarse del escenario, con mucho ritmo y sentimiento. Su música nos hizo subir el ánimo y estuvimos muy entusiasmados mientras escuchábamos su presentación. Además, nos regaló un par de hermosas canciones en español, muy significativas y al final ella fue súper agradable compartiendo con los demás Hivers. Tuvimos la oportunidad de coincidir posteriormente y en todo momento fuiste muy cercana, ¡gracias por amenizar esta velada con tu talento!


Beef cheeks with truffles croquettes and vegetables



As the meal went on, the atmosphere became more and more intense and fun. We were surprised by a wonderful sunset on the terrace of the restaurant that gave way to a beautiful night with incredible sea views. We were chatting, listening to good music and sharing pictures non-stop.

It was time to give prominence to the main course, in the case of most of us, veal cheeks accompanied with vegetables and truffle croquettes. I was not able to find out about the vegan version of this dish, I hope that someone took a photo and could share it with us so that we would not be left in doubt.

The meat was divinely prepared, very tender and easy to eat. The intense sauce of its juices, which also went very well with the croquettes, truffles again, because there is never too much truffle. Now, I think that for some people the two portions of meat were a lot of food, I was very happy with the quantity, but I could tell that many diners only ate half of this dish, it was a huge portion.

It was such a hearty meal, as was @fondew's staging and passion on scene. He gave us a very heartfelt show, totally devoted to the meaning of his lyrics and with a very catchy melody. Songs to not stop singing, which he accompanies very well with his dexterous handling of the guitar, I think there was not a single person who did not realize that this gentleman was on stage, it was impossible to overlook him.


Mientras transcurría la comida, el ambiente se tornaba cada vez más intenso y divertido. Nos sorprendió un maravilloso atardecer en la terraza del restaurante que dio paso a una noche hermosa con las increíbles vistas al mar. Estuvimos charlando, escuchando buena música y compartiendo fotografías sin parar.

Fue momento de dar protagonismo al plato principal, en el caso de la mayoría, unas carrilleras de ternera acompañadas con vegetales y croquetas de trufa. No pude indagar en la versión vegana de este plato, espero que alguien haya hecho alguna foto y nos la pueda compartir para no quedarnos con la duda.

La carne estaba divinamente preparada, muy tierna y fácil de comer. La salsa intensa de sus jugos, que además iba muy bien con las croquetas, trufas de nuevo, porque nunca es demasiada trufa. Ahora bien, creo que para algunos las dos porciones de carne eran mucha comida, yo estaba contentísima con la cantidad, pero pude darme cuenta de que muchos comensales solo comieron la mitad de este plato, era pesado.

Era una comida tan contundente, como la puesta en escena y pasión de @fondew en el escenario. Nos regaló un espectáculo muy sentido, totalmente entregado al significado de sus letras y con una melodía muy pegajosa. Canciones para no parar de cantar, que acompaña muy bien con su diestro manejo de la guitarra, creo que no hubo una solo persona que no se diese cuenta que este caballero estaba en el escenario, era imposible pasarlo por alto.





Of course, there couldn't be a perfect ending with no dessert to match the whole menu, however, this was made to wait long enough to give time for the last musical presentation of the night to begin to liven up the room, with rhythms totally different from those we were listening to until then.

It was @silentscreamer the one in charge of closing an evening of unique concerts for the HiveFest attendees. With her violin and accompanied by an excellent guitarist, her charming voice surprised us with some well-known melodies, wonderfully interpreted with her great style and sophistication, she is an incredible artist.

Who also happens to be as sweet as the dessert we had that day, a tiramisu that closed the 4 pass menu prepared for us, the incomparable Hive Block Chain users.

Although I have to give credit to @elmirabear, because thanks to her wise suggestion of accompanying the dessert with a coffee, we were able to enjoy the enhanced flavors of the dessert. Tiramisu and espresso go perfectly well.


Por supuesto, no podría haber un final perfecto sin un postre a la altura de todo el menú, sin embargo, este se hizo esperar lo suficiente para dar tiempo de que la última presentación musical de la noche comenzara a amenizar la sala, con ritmos totalmente diferente a los que estuvimos escuchando hasta entonces.

Fue @silentscreamer la encargada de cerrar una tarde de conciertos únicos para los asistentes del HiveFest. Con su violín y acompañada de un excelente guitarrista, su encantadora voz nos sorprendió con algunas melodías conocidas, maravillosamente interpretadas con su gran estilo y sofisticación, ella es una increíble artista.

Quien además, resulta ser tan dulce como el postre que tuvimos ese día, un tiramisú que cerró el menú de 4 pases preparado para nosotros, los inigualables usuarios de Hive Block Chain.

Aunque tengo que dar crédito a @elmirabear, porque gracias a su acertada propuesta de acompañar el postre con un café, pudimos disfrutar de los sabores acentuados del postre. Tiramisú y espresso van perfectamente bien.




A magnificent menu indeed, which introduced us to the local flavors and allowed us to taste the mix of cultures that are so typical of the city. The restaurant team did a great job and was charming at all times, attentive to any need and smiling when we diners had any doubts.

They were patient enough to explain some details about the menu that I didn't know, but I felt a little frustrated for not being able to retain all the information they were telling me, especially the Croatian names of the elements in the dishes. But this had a solution that I wasn't expecting and that, if it wasn't for how amazing the members of the Hive community are, ultimately made my week over the top.

This was that @cryptospa , who was sitting next to me enjoying very calmly each of his dishes, disappeared for a few minutes while we were starting to eat the second course, to show up later with a big smile and with a wonderful gift for me: our menu.

He spoke to a waiter, who had been one of the most attentive during the evening, and asked him to write down for us the set of items for each course on the menu. It's funny, because I was complaining all the time, saying that I wished I had a little written guide on the table, with the dishes we were waiting for, but only because curiosity was killing me and that sometimes I don't succeed in identifying some unfamiliar flavors. And apparently, my dear friend, got a little tired of me and decided to get it hahahahahahaha.

I'm sure that more than that, he understood how much I would value that detail and that, despite having commented that it would be a good idea to go ask a waiter for that, I was a little embarrassed to do so. So, thank you so much for taking the initiative, thanks to you @cryptospa, this review comes with the correct names and ingredients on the dishes for our amazing gala dinner. You rock, Hive rocks.

Oh, by the way! Thank you so much to all the musicians who joined us for the evening, you are a great example of talent and perseverance, it was a pleasure to discover so much new music in one night and even more so within the block chain. They are a great example of how the web3 world can boost the career of many. A clear example is the guitar pick that Violetta Zironi gave to each attendee, which contains immediate access to all the information of her current tour and musical content, totally free. A real deal.


Un menú magnífico sin lugar a dudas, que nos introdujo a los sabores típicos de la zona y nos permitió degustar esa mezcla de culturas tan propia de la ciudad. El equipo del restaurante realizó un gran trabajo y fue en todo momento encantador, atentos a cualquier necesidad y sonrientes ante las dudas que teníamos los comensales.

A mí me tuvieron la paciencia suficiente para explicar algunos detalles sobre el menú que desconocía, sin embargo me llegué a sentir un poco frustrada por no poder retener toda la información que me trasladaban, sobre todo los nombres croatas de los elementos en los platos. Pero esto tuvo una solución que no me esperaba y que, si no fuera por lo increíble que son los miembros de la comunidad de Hive, al final me alegró la semana sobremanera.

Esto fue que @cryptospa , quien estaba sentado a mi lado disfrutando con mucha calma cada uno de sus platos, desapareció durante unos minutos mientras comenzábamos a comer el segundo plato, para aparecer posteriormente con una gran sonrisa y acompañado de un maravilloso regalo para mí: nuestro menú.

Él habló con uno de los meseros, que había sido de los más atentos durante la velada, y le pidió que nos escribiera el conjunto de elementos de cada plato del menú. Es gracioso, porque yo estaba quejándome todo el rato, diciendo que me hubiese gustado tener una pequeña guía por escrito en la mesa, con los platos que estábamos esperando, pero sólo porque la curiosidad me estaba matando y porque a veces no acierto identificando algún sabor desconocido. Y al parecer, mi querido amigo, se cansó un poco de mí y decidió obtenerlo jajajajajaja.

Estoy segura que más que eso, él entendía lo mucho que valoraría ese detalle y que, a pesar de haber comentado que sería buena idea ir pedirle eso a un camarero, me daba un poco de vergüenza hacerlo. Así que, muchas gracias por tomar la iniciativa, gracias a ti @cryptospa, esta reseña viene acompañada de los nombres e ingredientes correctos en los platos de nuestra increíble cena de gala. Eres genial, Hive es genial.

¡Ah, por cierto! Muchísimas gracias a todos los músicos que nos acompañaron esta noche, son un gran ejemplo de talento y perseverancia, ha sido un placer descubrir tanta música nueva en una noche y, más aún, dentro de la block chain. Son un gran ejemplo de cómo el mundo web3 puede impulsar la carrera de muchos. Un claro ejemplo, es esa púa de guitarra que Violetta Zironi se encargó de entregar a cada asistente, la cual contiene acceso inmediato a toda la información de su actual gira y a contenido musical, totalmente gratuito. Una ganga.

Thanks for dropping by!

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Photo credits: All of the photos in this post
were taken by me with my Iphone 11 and belong to me.


It was so nice to have met you Nina! I enjoyed our talk on the very first day as well as on the first day of the conference during lunch 😊 I hope to see you soon at another meet up! 😊

Oh I also loved meeting you and talking with you about honest and truthful things. You are a wonderful person with beautiful values that transmits a lot of strength and determination. I loved listening to the passion and security that you transmitted talking about those things that you consider important. Oh and I'm looking forward to taste the tomatoes from your garden hahahaha. I hope we have the chance to meet again, talk and that you tell me about the books you bought when we were in Split. I send you a big virtual hug! 🥰

Thanks a lot for your kind words, I'm humbled. I'm sorry it took me so long to answer. I've been sick since we returned from Croatia, so I didn't spend much time online.

Oh, come over and take as many tomatoes as you wish 😁 There are so many!

I really hope that we will have a chance to meet again, maybe next year at HiveFest or soon at some local meet up? Who knows 😊

I have already read them all (bought 3 in that week), so I'm ready with the review 😁

Sending virtual hugs back at you 😍

What a great review of the gala dinner. Wouldn't expect anything lees from you.

The vegan version of the main was like sausages, I thought they looked a little sad. Vegans also had a pasta in a green sauce, maybe spinach, I'm not sure. Perhaps @delishtreats will have photos. I heard from @steevc he had fish for the main course.

Oh, I'm the worst food photographer ever 😂 I only have a photo of the starter, and I forgot to take photos of other dishes. The pasta was with pesto and cherry tomatoes. It was quite good, just missed a bit of salt. The sausages indeed looks sad, but they were delicious and I wished I had more of them 😊 Stefan thinks they were homemade. Really good! And the dessert was delicious - very light cream with lemon.

After going to your table to ask you for the photo of your starter, I was so embarrassed to come back every so often hahaha I thought it must be a hassle to have someone all over your food while you are trying to socialize at your table. Now I regret it a bit because I see it was a very different menu, although I appreciate that you share the opinion of the two of you on the dishes, I'm always left very intrigued and wanting to know what the rest of you liked or didn't like. In this case it's great because it's not just a review of a site I've visited, but one that many of us experienced at the same time. Thank you!

Oh no, you should have come, we would have socialized together 😁 I would even let you try my dishes 😉 It was really good, my husband loved the sausages, and the dessert was soooo good. Happy to review anytime 😉

Oh well it's a pleasure for me that you have that opinion of my reviews, even more so after meeting you and seeing how amazing and sincere you are. 🤗

I think it's great that the restaurant has adapted to the needs of each diner, even though there were so many of us.

Which dish did you enjoy the most?

No sé que es mejor, la experiencia del evento o la comida, pero como yo soy Team Lambucio, me voy por la comida siempre.

No hay fotos amarillas 😳😱 ¡que bellezaaaaaaa! Me dió hambre okey.

Como le dije a Evelyn, me encanta que hayan coincido en un evento como este y que como dijiste allá, pudieran sentirse como en casa aunque sea al hablar ambas y entenderse a la perfección con el acento tan bello que tienen.

Sobre Olivia, espero que la hayas tratado bien, le diré a Eve que la revise igual, no se la daría a una mujer que bebe y publica tanto alcohol, pero no me meto en la crianza ajena jajajajaja.

Felicidades por asistir, estoy feliz por ti también.

Eh eh eh responsabilidad ante todo xD te sorprendería el nivel de compromiso y sobriedad que puedo llegar a alcanzar jajaja te aseguro que más que el papá xD

Bien, éxito con las fotos entonces, los organizadores saben qué luces son las buenas jajajaja definitivamente la comida siempre se va a llevar el premio de la atención. Ojalá tengamos la oportunidad alguna vez de compartir en un evento de estos, sería espectacular.

Gracias por apoyarnos a nosotras desde tan lejos, es un alivio saber que tu gente no te olvida y que puedes demostrar por aquí lo comprometidos que estamos todo. Gracias por tu apoyo 💙

Ninaaaaa no te guardas nada vale, Eli sal de ese cuerpo, echándole la burra pal monte al padre de la niña jajajaja. Pero, me encantan los chismes.

Oye, un aplauso para los organizadores de verdad. Y sí, ojalá podamos coincidir un día y armamos un desmadre, okey no, seriedad ante todo.

A mí también me encantó que hayamos coincido, sin Nina y con mi pobre inglés no hubiese sido lo mismo.

Jajajaja es verdad, más seriedad que el papá que es polaco 🤣🤣. En serio Nina se portó de maravilla con Olivia y conmigo, aunque Olivia estaba un poco penosa, Nina intentó que ella le agarrara confianza de la mejor manera.

Gracias por estar pendiente Eli, y querer que nos conociéramos Nina y yo ❤️

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Yeih adding HiveFest stuff to my own map 🤟🏻

Finally @ninaeatshere 😀😜 Very well done 😘😘
Thanks for sharing your adventures on the map with us👍🐝🐝☀️

Wow pero que maravilloso lugar y con música en vivo. Me hiciste dar hambre de nuevo.

¡Misión cumpliiiiiida entonces! Jajaja uff la música le dio mucha personalidad a la cena, yo no lo esperaba y la verdad que fue una gran sorpresa. 🎶🎶

my first thought was wow she is keeping notes, dedication :)

Slovak pâté is Slavonian pate (kinda a historical region in Croatia)

Oh thanks for that info! I’ll check!
Haha yeah I’m very into understand what I’m eating and always try to get a bit conversation with the team.

slovaks could also have pate but on the paper it says Slavonian 😄 and it makes sense.

¡Muy buena reseña! Es obvio que todo estuvo espectacular, dígame ese tiramisú al final 😃😋.

Una fan más del postre, genial 🙌🏻 gracias por pasarte a saludar 😊

Dulcera 100% 😄

@ninaeatshere , thank you for mentioning me. It was a pleasure to help you with the menu.
Have a nice day!

Oh my friend! Thanks a lot to you for being so attentive and listen to all the silliness about food that I was talking about that night haha you are a great company and a very good person. I’m glad we met again in here.

Un lugar espectacular un compañía espectacular. Lastima que no pudimos quedarnos más tiempo y disfrutar de los otros platos y la buena música pero estoy segura que la próxima vez será más fácil con Olivia más grande

Necesito abrir un poco más mi paladar para probar cosas nuevas, pero dame tiempo jajaja

Fue genial conocerte, la pasamos increíble este y todos los días que compartimos allí. Espero volver a verte pronto ❤️

Dicen que el paladar cambia cada tres años, así que hay chance jajaja sin apuros, cuando uno va probando y conociendo más cosas, es más fácil.

Si vale después que se fueron y comenzaron a cantar pensé en Olivia, seguramente le hubiese gustado ver la música en vivo, pero ya tendremos muchas más oportunidades!

Un besito a las dos!!!

Leí esto con el sonido de tu voz jajaja

Estoy segura que vendrán muchas oportunidades 🤗


Awww qué lindo suena pero capaz me imaginaste fue con la voz de echadera de broma xD

Sí, con esa misma fue jajaja

Thanks for bringing us back for just one night - getting hungry again :D

You are very welcome! We didn't talk much during that day and I don't think we ate the same food at dinner either! xD

Nobody ate my menue 😜 I somehow managed to have both, normal and vegetarian mixed up. But yeah, didnt talk to you much that day.

Thank you for the mention, the espresso was really good, and so was the evening! Your beautiful pictures underline my great memories of hivefest!

I'm glad we had such a good time, you of course were a lot more exhausted because of being a panelist, but I think this dinner served as a way of thanking everyone who put so much effort into the presentations. Thank you for your company and for the excellent suggestions, including the gastronomic ones!

I'm glad to see you so happy for the Hive fest, I loved the final humorous toue with the menu theme. And I thank you for bringing the atmosphere of the event in such a pleasant way to those of us who have not been there.

A big @ninaeatshere.

Getting the menu in writing was almost the best thing of all, a very fun and happy moment for me haha. Thanks for your words, it's a pleasure to be able to share a little bit of this with the people who were not physically there.

48 hours later... the palecer I think is more ours, (even if it is mutual), it is a luxury to have you around and that you transmit us so many things (in addition to the menu).

Hugs @ninaeatshere.

48 horas más tarde 😌... el plaecer creo que es más nuestro, (aunque sea mutuo), es un lujo tenerte por ahí y que nos transmitas tantas cosas (además del menú).

Abrazo @ninaeatshere.

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LEO Power Up Day - September 15, 2024

Soy team tiramisú, ya sabes que lo mío son los postres. 🤣 Excelente reseña, como nos tienes acostumbrados. Todo tiene una presentación apetitosa y al ser un evento tan especial puedo imaginar que lo disfrutaste con los cinco sentidos. Espero que el regreso a la realidad no esté siendo demasiado duro… ❤️🤗

¡Postre lover siempre!
Duro es, no me creerías, pero uno se queda con ganas de seguir allí, ha sido muy especial.
Incluso la experiencia de encontrarte intentando pensar en una posible reseña de comida entre tantos bloggers resulta mucho más satisfactoria jajaja

Te creo perfectamente, este tipo de eventos son un chute de motivación. 😘

Now that we have eaten all that, it's time to check out your post and find out what we were eating that day! It would have been great if we had that information earlier, but it is fine like this too...
It was tasty, that's the most important!!!

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Hahaha you have to help save humanity, each one in his own way! xD
Hint for the next HiveFest, a little leaflet with the meu.

You post made me hungry 😭 I miss the food in Split. You made me start learning Spanish. And @iamlosi inspired me to start leaning guitar again 😁

Hey, we didn't even have time to get home and we are longing for these moments. I think there must be some HiveFest rebound syndrome, because I think we are all the same, it was all very nice.

I find the Spanish thing quite a challenge but I wish you a lot of success in that task, I hope to read your progress in your blog and if you need any help, do not hesitate to ask hahaha

Hiya, @glecerioberto here, just swinging by to let you know that this post made it into our Honorable Mentions in Travel Digest #2321.

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Huh, so now I finally know what I was eating. I kind of guess everything right except the truffle croquetes. Nice!

Hahaha Yeih! Wasn’t just me trying to find out! Was very fun dinner to enjoy and gray time to chat with Hivians!

It was really delicious and beautiful.
@ninaeatshere, you have described this pleasant atmosphere perfectly. Unfortunately, I couldn't tag you in my post about the first night at Bar Paradiso because I couldn't find a photo with you. Maybe you have a photo of us together on your phone? I definitely remember that we took photos.

It sure was delicious, remembering it still makes me hungry hahaha. Hahaha No, unfortunately I don't have any pictures, I think we forgot to take one together. Although I was with your wonderful daughters on several occasions, we were more joking than thinking about taking pictures hahaha We have to be more attentive to the next one!