Life Lessons from My Mother / 母の人生から学んだこと

in Silver Bloggers3 months ago

Stollen for my mother

A few days ago, it was my late mother’s birthday. She passed away last year, still young in her 60s. Just like last year, I spent the day walking alone quietly, reflecting. Today, I’d like to take this opportunity to write down some memories of my mother on the Hive blockchain.

As I walked, I remembered how she often said, “Others are others; you are you.” When I was little, I thought it was just an excuse not to buy me things whenever I asked for a new game. But as I grew older, I realized it could also mean, “You don’t have to be like everyone else.” Looking back, although she was surprised when I decided to quit my job, get married and divorced early, go back to graduate school, or start living abroad, she always supported my decisions and challenges.

She also introduced me to many delicious foods, especially seasonal Japanese dishes. My mother baked bread for over 40 years, and that inspired me to bake as well. The last meal we shared was three years ago when I visited her in the hospital in Japan. It was Stollen, a traditional Christmas bread. Now, every time I see stollen, I think of her.

Stollen - last meal we shared

I bought a slice on her birthday and shared it with my family. Speaking of German cakes, she also loved Baumkuchen. When I told her it wasn’t very common in Germany even it has German name, she often sent it to me from Japan—a funny memory we used to laugh about. Now I see more Baumkuchen in Germany and it makes me smile.

My mother studied English and American literature in college and even learned some French. Before I was born, she worked as an English teacher, but when I was in elementary school, she shifted to translation work. She thrived in that field, translating day and night. At the peak of her career, she earned two to three times what I did as a full-time employee (!) Toward the end of her life, she once said, “Maybe I worked too much.” But then she added, “Being at the top as a medical translator was worth it.” I often think of my grandmother, my mother, and myself as part of a family line of working women. I’ve learned so much about the value of work in my life from their lives.

Recently, I came across an old Hive post I wrote six years ago titled “My Mother’s Retirement from Translation.” At the time, I never imagined I would have to say goodbye so soon. Her advice from that time still resonates, not just for me but for anyone doing desk work on a computer. I’d like to share it here:

  • Maintain good posture while working.
  • Even if you enjoy your work, take regular breaks and get some exercise.

And most importantly, take care of yourself and rest well. My mother did so much or too much — raising children, managing the household, caring for relatives, maintaining properties, and her work—that she burned herself out. I knew she didn't want to do some of them. During my visit when she was in the hospital, I was allowed to spend almost a week by her side. One day, she said, “Why only me…? Why I had to do them?” and it’s something I’ll never forget.

I want to cherish the lessons she taught me and live the life she gave me to the fullest. Thank you, Mama. I love you.

🍎 🍎 🍎







  • よい姿勢で仕事をする
  • いくら仕事が楽しくても合間に適度に運動をする




It good you have good lesson to learn from your late mum. Be console as you remember her

That's true. I'm happy to feel that she is still living in my memory 😊




Silver bloggers から gold bloggers へなんて😁


rogai bloggersとか😂😂