This is my post for #memoirmonday #48 What Simple Pleasures Bring You Joy? Hosted by @ericvancewalton
This row of rocks was just east of the old boat ramp at the inlet and campers would make their campsites along them. There was one rock that I loved to sit on, it was the right shape for my behind. Several times I would overhear the campers talking about me. They could not believe how I could sit in one place and fish all day and not catch anything. I did it because I enjoyed sitting and holding the pole, not for catching the fish.
Taking my grandkids camping is a joy I cherish most, but they are now too old to hang with grandma.
I enjoy cooking on a campfire. I would start a fire and when the coals cooked down I would put a grill over them and start another fire next to it so I could keep adding coals.
I enjoyed how we would all gather around the campfire at night. Sometimes it was our only light. We always had lighter knot wood for after dark firewood. Lighter wood is the heart of an old pine tree. When a pine tree dies, the sap from the tree's branches and trunk hardens into resin and this makes a beautiful fire.
I guess because I grew up on a campground, I enjoy camping. But the way we camped involved a lot of work. This is going home which I dreaded the most, putting things away and the amount of wash, ugh!!
Now I enjoy growing things to eat, I get a lot of satisfaction when I see a pineapple flower, and watching it grow is magical. I also enjoy pulling weeds, but not from around the pineapple plants.
Sometimes I feel it is getting old having to gather greens every day for Rudy. But when I put them in his cage and he hops over to me and I can pet him, I am filled with joy for him, and all of my not wanting to gather the greens go away.
I enjoy making desert rose plants look like bonsai trees.
I also like to grow them and enjoy seeing the shape of how each one turns out.
The one thing I would enjoy more would be visits from these 5 people. Their ages are now 44 to 50 years old, I do not enjoy that. I like them to be younger than they were in this picture, now that is something I would enjoy.
I know I need to be examined but I find it enjoyable to can my own food. It makes no sense because it is a lot of work but the reward is well worth it.
I enjoy doing things with these two people. It does not matter what we do; if we are together, we have fun.
I used to enjoy being with all of my sisters and my daughter but there has been a riff between us so we have not been all together in a few years. This coming March we will be back together so maybe we can get things worked out. They are the only close family I have left.