Good day everyone! Today, I would like to share with you how my day went as I prepared to go to school. My first class started early, so I woke up at 5 in the morning to get ready.
I took this photo before I get bath
I made sure to prepare my kids' things beforehand, so they had everything they needed for the day while I was at school.After getting everything ready, my husband took me to school on his motorcycle.
our first morning routine
My first subject for the day was ethics, where we discussed how people can be held accountable for their actions and what ethics is all about.
during our class in ethics
After my last class in the morning, I had lunch with my classmates. During lunchtime, we discussed our next subject and shared laughter. Being with my classmates helped heal my inner child, as I was not able to make friends during my childhood.
In the afternoon, I met my best friend at a restaurant near my school called Coco.
at the coco
We ordered ramen, shrimp, and other dishes, and took pictures of them before eating. During lunch, we talked about our lives, reminisced about past events, and how her wedding turned out to be magical.
. The food in coco was worth the price
I was her bridesmaid, and it was the first gathering I attended with my partner that time we were part of the entourage as well as my son he was a bible bearer, He was so cute walking the aisle slowly holding a bible everyone cheering on him.
the groom and the bridesmaid
the most cutie bible bearer
While eating, I daydreamed about my future wedding, walking down the aisle with my parents, and hearing my chosen background music. However, my partner and I have decided to prioritize our home and save money for our future and our children's future. We want to be financially stable before planning a wedding, as it takes a lot of investment in terms of time and money.
my precious gems
After lunch, my husband picked me up, and we headed home. While travelling home, my partner and I talked about our daughter Chloe's upcoming first birthday next month. Suddenly, a life lesson came to mind - that we should prevent having more kids until we are financially stable enough to support them.
Suddenly we hit a glimpse of silence until we reached home
Our eldest ran toward us to hug and kiss us and also gave us mano ( a Filipino tradition showing respect to the elderly) our youngest daughter wiggled her feet as she saw us coming toward her and wanted to carry her so I carried her a gave her a warmth hug and kisses.
the warmth hug and kisses
I may not be as rich as others but I am blessed to have a friend who is always there in my ups and downs, she's ready to listen and as I am, We may not be related by blood but I know we are related by soul.
at hermits cove
My kids genuinely love and support me for whatever I do and they are the reason why I strive harder for their future I can do everything for the sake of their future as what mother would do.
my kids
Just like Helianthus: Be Bright ,Shinny and Positive Spread seeds of Happiness, Kind and Rise. Again this is @helianthus-chloe please support me here in hive thank you and have a nice day everyone