Hello my dear friends,
Greeting from me,
I hope you are well and healthy, sorry for last two days i was busy in duty. Monsoon season is on peak, It is raining in many places and it is not raining in many places. However, I spend as much time as possible meeting all your friends.
Some places have become overcast and some places are getting ready for drought. The puddles are filled with water, Since such water is not disposed of, mosquitoes lay eggs in it. This has led to an increase in cases of dengue and malaria. Simultaniously cases of Chikungunia are on the rise. It is coming from the situation like the time of covid-19. Medical staff is also going through such a situation. Therefore, there is a shortage of medical staff in the hospital and I am also a healthcare provider. Therefore I am busy these days and can't spend more time with the community.
Let's move forward in our #hivediary without wasting more time on @ecency .
Today i woke up at 6 am in morning because today was my morning shift and i need to reach at hospital as soon as possible. So as routine i started my activity from health hygiene like brush and bath. Then clean my room and i Was out to go on duty at hospital on sharp 07:30 am.
I was driving my car and the ambulance was running in front of me and it came to my hospital. Even before the start of duty, it was seen😊. I reached at hospital at sharp 08:00 am. The distance between here to my hospital is 5.7 km. When i seen the patient so he is very critical and it is on BIPAP support. He is suffering from dengue and is in shock. The platelet was 9000(should between 150000-450000). Then we started in initial treatment and shifted to Intensive care unit. I did't take breakfast so i was hungry so i got at restaurant and taken two maska-bun and Read the newspaper.
Then i again Went into the department. till the morning shift total 21 patient was arrived. morning duty was so busy. When my shift was over at 2 o'clock, I took a deep breath. withing few minutes my team leader called me, "Alfaz our staff nurse mrs. Jiji Varghase is not coming on duty because she is dengue positive so you should have to continue your shift." This way I had to do my duty twice so my team leader told me for lunch so i went to dinner at 03:00 pm.
After lunch i went in my emergency department and started my work again. Lot of patient in department and we shifted to them in ward and Intensive Care Unit who needed for it. In my evening shift total 11 patient arrived. Therefore i'm so tired i'm waiting for 08:00 pm. Then night staff arrived and they taken over. On 08:00 pm my senior printed duty report and i handed over duty report to my head and i left for went to home at 08:30 pm.
During returning at home i was so tired and hungry so i taken dinner from shop when i daily taking dinner because he made so tasty food. I taken EGG-PULAV in dinner.
After arrived from duty i Fell asleep at 09:30 pm and sleeping till morning 08:00 am. Therefore i'm posting now. When i woke up then i seen whatsapp and got message from my team leader more 17 patient arrived in night. so total 49 patient arrived in last day.
Thanks for reading my post with your valuable time.
I appreciate your time and interest in my post.
All the image clicked by @alfazmalek02