ep 4 Hello, today I will review lunch at my house again. Today, it is a menu that children can eat and adults can eat. It is a menu that I often make at my house. So I would like to recommend to my friends that this menu is Tom Kha Gai. Tom Kha Gai is a menu that is made to eat at home. My house likes to make it because children can eat it and older siblings can eat it. Tom Kha Gai is similar to Tom Yum. The ingredients are the same. But this Tom Kha Gai uses coconut milk. Tom Kha Gai is popular in rural areas in the lower northern region of this region and the central region. It is a menu that if we go to a curry shop or a rice shop like this, they will always have this menu. It is considered a popular menu. Today, I made it again. Today, my food is not just Tom Kha Gai. There are also Stir-fried long beans with pork belly is a menu that is commonly made and almost every house makes it. It is a simple menu that can be made to eat. I made this menu because during this period, in the countryside, villagers grow their own vegetables to eat. There are long beans, cabbage, kale, Chinese cabbage, chili, onion, garlic. They grow their own vegetables to eat. Anything that can save money, we in the countryside tend to save money. Growing and eating by ourselves, the leftovers are sold. Therefore, today's menu is stir-fried long beans with pork belly. Another simple menu. There is not much, just long beans, pork belly, and young chilies. I have also shown the ingredients for Tom Kha Gai. But I have told you how to make it in many posts. I hope my menu will make people who like my Coke drink have some appetite. Thank you for viewing the post. I would like to say that this post will make people who watch this post have some appetite. I hope that this post will be useful for everyone who views it. For this post, before we end the post, let's look at the pictures of the ingredients. For this post, thank you very much. Goodbye, thank y