How to Make Yummy Momos

in CCH4 months ago

Hello my dear friends Assalamu Alaikum, how are you all? I hope that by the grace of the Almighty God, you are all very well. I am also very well by your prayers and Alhamdulillah, by the grace of Allah Ta'ala, I am very well. Today I will share with you, how you can make momos. Momos are a very favorite thing these days. Which everyone likes a lot. It has become a very favorite thing for everyone, young and old, nowadays.




So friends, I took several photographs, but due to the lack of electricity, the photographs have become completely dark. Due to which I cannot share all the photographs with you. For that, I sincerely apologize in advance. However, the photographs that I took after the electricity came. I will definitely share them with you. I hope you like them.

First of all, I will definitely share with you, what ingredients you will need to make momos. You can make chicken momos with a small amount of ingredients and you can make them very easily. So let's give you a little idea about the ingredients.

Since I will make a little more, because my family has a lot of people. So I am taking a little more, you can take less if you want. I first took two tablespoons of white flour, which was about 300 grams, then I took two tablespoons of white soybean oil. Salt and two tablespoons of mustard oil, of course, use the white one. Then it will look beautiful. I took two tablespoons of ginger garlic paste, two cups of onion and chopped cabbage. I finely chopped both at once. Then I finely chopped one carrot, which is two cups.

Now I took 300 grams of chicken, since I am making a little more, I took 2 tablespoons of soy sauce and here too I used salt to taste. Then I put everything together in one place.

Then I made a nice dough with flour, oil and salt in a bowl, covered it for 30 minutes. Because the longer you prepare your dough, the more fun you will have eating your momos. Then I put oil in a pan, because you have to make the momos' fur. The more beautifully you prepare it, the more fun you will have to eat your momos.

I heated the oil there first, then I added ginger, garlic, onion one by one, and after a while I added cabbage, carrots, and everything, then I added the chicken and fried it well. Then one by one I fried the momos' fur beautifully.

Then what I did was to take these things out of the oven to cool. I shaped the dough I had made to make momos and carefully placed the momos one by one. You can see how neatly I did it by looking at my photography.

I had made all the momos and kept them in one place, now I have to make the momos beautifully. That means I have to steam them otherwise they will not taste good. That is why I boiled water for 10 minutes on free heat. Then I covered them with a lid and covered them nicely.

Then you have to check if your momos are done properly. To check this, you will check the momos with your fingers. If the momos seem sticky to you, then steam them for another two to three minutes. Then you will see that the stickiness in the momos has gone a lot and your momos are done properly. After that, you can serve different types of chutneys.

I served it only with tomato sauce, which my family likes a lot. If you want, you can also make this chicken momo very easily. It is very easy to make and very fun to eat. So friends, I am leaving here like today. If there is any mistake in my photography and my writing, then please forgive me. I apologize for the bad quality of the photographs at the beginning. Alhamdulillah, the subsequent photographs are fine. Actually, the problem was due to the lack of electricity, thank you.