in Natural Medicinelast year

What oil do you use for frying and iun general for cooking and baking?
Do you pay attention to this question?

I devoted much time studying the question of safety of oils and their transformation under the influence of high temperature.
I've discovered that it does matter what oil we use, and we should choose them not only according to their taste. There are much mroe essential aspects.

The smoke point is the temperature at which the oil begins to break down and is no longer suitable for food, as it contains a large number of free radicals, which contribute to the risk of many diseases. That is, it doesn’t matter whether you lose weight or not, it’s bad for your health in general.

Visually, this can be determined as follows: the oil begins to smoke. It is worth noting that refining oil increases the boiling point.

The table below shows some approximate smoke points for various oils.

As we can see the avocado oil is the winner of this "championship".
Early I used ghee oil, and it's great as well. Now I decided to taste something new, and I was surprised that this oil has no smell, no taste, so it's good for any dish and desserts.

Moreover, it's absolutely safe and healthy.
And yeah, it gives no smoke even during frying.

I've bought avocado oil in the marketplace, and its price was about 8-10$ for 1 liter. Great price for such good product, isn't it?

Have you tasted avocado oil, guys?


I find this interesting