German Dessert Rotegrütze / ドイツのデザートRotegrütze

in Foodies Bee Hive9 months ago (edited)

When my daughter told me that there was a dessert she did not like at school lunch, I asked her what it was called. It's Rotegrütze (red porrige?), which is a pink jelly-like dessert with vanilla sauce on top.

After talking about this dessert, I went for a walk to an organic store and saw Rotegrütze being sold as a new product of an organic brand. What a coincidence! I looked at the list of ingredients and found nothing unusual in it. I also found vanilla sauce next to it, so I bought it together. Good to try 😉

The ingredients of Rotegrütze are half berries and cherries, which are in season right now in Germany. It is like a kind of berries and cherries compote, I guessed.

The ingredients for the vanilla sauce look like this, and while it's an organic brand and doesn't contain anything that weird, I wondered why there are the thickener, carrot juice and turmeric for coloring 😅 Maybe to compensate for the color of the eggs? Anyways, it's interesting to look at the ingredients in this way, and with this composition, there are no eggs in it, so I thought I could make a vegan version by using plant-based milk.

I had a bite and it was just plain and delicious. According to my daghter, the Rotegrütze served at school lunch is "a bit more pink". We did a quick image search together tells me that it looks like the picture in the article below.

[Rote Grütze mit Vanillesoße wie in der DDR: So kochen Sie den süßen Nachtisch auch ohne Tüte! gruetze-mit-vanillesosse-wie-in-der-ddr-so-kochen-sie-den-suessen-nachtisch-ganz-einfach-selbst-auch-ohne-tuete-li.186568)

I imagine that the Rotegrütze that is probably served in school lunches is made in large quantities using powder like the one in the article above. My partner and I were impressed by the fact that there was a time when this kind of product was widely used as a revolutionary one, and things changed a lot.

I served it in my favorite glass containers. I put sugar topping for my daughter's. She loved it a lot saying "kawaiiiiii".

My daughter said "I like this" and had another serving. The three of us as a family almost ate it all up.

Even I have lived in Germany for more than 10 years, this was the first time I ate Rotegrütze. It is interesting to discover something like this through conversations with my daughter. I also remember talking to my mother about food I ate at school and we ate it together at home. Good old time 😊

Have a nice week, everyone!




バニラソースの材料はこんな感じで、オーガニックブランドのものなのでそこまで変なものは入っていないものの、増粘剤と、着色のためのにんじんジュースとウコンはいらないような気もします 😅 卵の色を補うためかな?こうして原材料を見るのはおもしろくて、この構成だと、卵が入っていないので、植物性のミルクを使えばヴィーガンバージョンが作れそうだななんて。


Rote Grütze mit Vanillesoße wie in der DDR: So kochen Sie den süßen Nachtisch auch ohne Tüte!




