Although I like to cook meals and bake breads, I am not good at making sweets. It requires a lot of tools and ingredients, a lot of processes, and although I like sweets, I don't eat that much of them, so it's hard for me to get motivated to make sweets. But it is still nice to have a cake for the holidays for my family and friends.
Another thing is that I prefer fruits that have been cooked rather than raw ones, and apples are a typical example. I enjoy eating raw fruits for breakfast and evening snacks, but I prefer warm baked apples and apple pie, which I definitely inherited from my mother. I remember I saw my mother was eating apple pie with a cup of coffee every time she was at McDonald's in the U.S. because she didn't have anything to eat. It's me now 😁
So this spring I am going to practice pies and tarts using seasonal fruits. I want to make something that doesn't use too much sugar, but rather something that allows to taste the flavor of the fruit. It's not a pie, but I want to make it full of fruit like this plum cake I make in the plum season.
I actually make pie crust on a daily basis because I bake quiche, and it shouldn't be too difficult with a food processor.
Yesterday I baked my favorite American double crust apple pie as a first step. I actually wanted to bake it a long time ago since it was apple season in Germany, but when I bought apples, my family ate them right away and it was hard to bake an apple pie. This time I kept some apples in a paper bag 🍎
I made it according to a recipe from a book about pies and the dough became really sticky, but I added flour as needed and it turned out fine. There is really less sugar in it. But there is a lot of butter in it. So I don't know if it's light or heavy ... 😂 But I was happy that I could make a pie for a holiday after a long time and eat it with my family.
More and more regional fruits are in season in Germany; strawberries, rhubarb, cherries, berries, plums, etc. I hope to brush up and fix my recipes and be able to bake tarts and pies for my lifetime this year.
One day, when I have a garden, I dream of baking pies with fruits grown in my own garden.
Have a nice week everyone!
早速第一弾として大好きなアップルパイを焼きました。実はもっと前に焼きたかったのですが、りんごを買ってくると家族が爆速で食べてしまいなかなか焼けなかったのです 😭
とあるレシピ本のレシピで作ったら生地がべったんべったんになりましたが、適当に粉を足して無事完成。砂糖はほとんど入っていません。でもバターがガッツリ入っていて軽いのか重いのかわかりません 😂 でも久しぶりに休日におやつを作って家族みんなで食べられたのはなんだかうれしかったです。