Hallo Foodies Lovers.
Meet me again Arveno here.
Now i want to share about my experience eating in hidden gem restaurant in my town.
In this content i will sharing eating chinese food that very very delicious and the tastes is not change after almost 10 years.
Before i am sharing the food maybe i give a little story,long time ago maybe 10 years ago, i got invited by my basketball friends to eating in chinese restaurant after playing basketball, and this restaurant is called Dong Bei this restaurant is very small compared to others. Just having 5 table only and really private. And after tasting some of the food i can say that this food is awesome. So, i am suggesting to my girlfriend at that time (now she is my wife) to eating there together. And at that time we ordering just rice and Mapo Tofu. And yeah, the food tastes is very delicious, the tofu is soft and tender with little bit spicy from chinese spice. But, at that time we just can eating Mapo Tofu because we dont have money left in our pocket since we are still new work in this town.
And jump to now moment.
At last Saturday, my son having event in West side town mall, and the event started from morning till lunch time. After the event my wife said lets eating in memorable restaurant in West side. Yeah before married i lived in West Side of this town, now i live in East side of this town and the distance between East to West is very far. It took 1 until 1,5 hours even using motorcycle. Thats why we are very rare visiting West side. So, i am offering to eating in Dong Bei and my wife agreed it. My wife missing how the tastes of the Mapo Tofu there.
As i said before the restaurant is very small. It is not like restaurant from the entrance. Just like stall.
And the road outside is very crowded that very hard to get the picture from outside.
The inside restaurant is really really chinese vibes, Even the wall is decorated with Koi Fish wallpaper. What changes from this place is there is new small aquarium for goldfish and turle aquarium. 10 years ago this aquarium is not there.

After sitting in the table we get the food menu.

After looking at the menu and making decision my wife calling the waiter. and yeah my wife decided to order Mapo Tofu, French Fries and Noodle. I dont know the name of the French Fries and the Noodle . I am just memorize the name of Mapo Tofu because this menu is the delicious one.And for the drink we just ordered Ice Tea.
While waiting the food, we just enjoying the tea and yeah the drink is depleted so fast. The temperature in my town is very hot that make all of us always thirst. Especially my son
After waiting a while the food came.

So this is the main course for us, the taste is really delicious, look at the shiny brown of the tofu. For the tastes is like little bit spicy with rich of seasoning and some spice from China called Mala if i am not mistaken, i dont know what it is, but my wife know it. It makes the tastes like spicy but not like eating chilli or chilli powder. Not like pepper powdrer too. The tastes is different. The sauce make it blend and the saviour is just right. It makes us bring back memories when we are dating 10 years ago. What makes different is my son is not like the spiciness. It will be fit if we eating it with rice, Rice is used as antidote for the spiciness. And when entering mouth the tastes is melted in tongue. Really delicious.
For the snacks my wife ordered French Fries i dont really know this food name here, but lets say it French Fries Chinese style

This fries is very tender and having pretty good seasoning, not only just saltiness but combined with spicy from spice, savoury,soft,and what makes different is the after tastes. It feels like burning your tongue little by little. And if combined with the Mapo Tofu and rice the taste is just fit. Not to spice at all.
And the last my wife ordered noodle, this menu is just in case if my son cannot eat because of the spiciness. And my wife instinct is right. My son cannot handle so much spice. So he eating the noodle with rice.
For the noodles the taste is very rich too, with the broth, i think the broth is from chicken broth. Because the tastes like chicken combined with so many vegetable inside. And this noodles is not spice at all. Thats what makes my son love this noodles. And we cannot eat the noodles at that time. So we decided to take away the noodles.
So,this is the end of my content hopping you are enjoying reading my content and don't drooling after read this content. And if you are from Surabaya city, you need to taste this restaurant, there is plenty ingredients beside of the pork if you are Muslims.
Really i recommended this restaurant.
And thank you for watching and supporting my content.
See you again in the next content.