Hallo Foodies Lovers.
Let me introduce myself, my name is Arveno. Maybe i had opportunity in the past that i share about food here, but it just once. Now i want to share about my experience eating very delicious food in my town.
This place is the place i used to date with my girlfriend in the past that now is my wife. We were eaten often in this place. But, after we married we are very rare eating here anymore. After my son bigger we are having chance to taste the delicious Pork Smoked Beef again. And i want to share to you guys.
This place called Shao Kao. Basically this restaurant is grilled food but with Chinese Style. So many food ingredient is Chinese ingredient and not halal at all if you are Muslim. This place sell pork as one of the ingredient. After entering the restaurant we need to find place for sit first. Fortunately we are eating at lunch. So this place is not to crowded. In my town this place is change to be semi bar restaurant that we can order alcohol drink. So usually this place is crowded from dinner time until midnight.
This place is very nice for the restaurant with wood nuance and having high ceiling make this place feels colder.
After we decided where to sit. Of course we get Food and Beverages Menu. The menu here is for the food packaging such as Noodle or Fried Rice. But, if we want to eating grill we need to fridge that we can choose and pick anything we want.

After we choose what we drink then my wife choosing the ingredients to be grilled, i am not with her because i still need take care of our bag and my son in the table. So i am just waiting in the table. After almost 7 years marriage, i think my wife know what i am love to eat. After all i am not to picky when eating in this restaurant. After done give the ingredient to waiter, my wife back to our table and we are waiting the food came.After a while the drink we ordered came and we are just order jasmine tea.
After waiting a while, finally the food is came. The aroma is very tasty. And look at the pork smoked beef. Glaze and tender. So, usually i am ordering Smoked Egg, 2 skew of Pork Smoked Beef,Fish smoked Nugget and the last is Smoked Eggplant. My wife almost ordered the same ingredients with me but what different is she is adding Smoked Enoki Mushroom thats her favourite and i dont like mushroom at all.
Almost forgot usually we adding a bowl of rice, we having habit that if we haven't eaten rice yet then we still not eating. I know that is not good habit but we have get doktrin like that since we are still kid.
The Pork smoked beef is very yummy,juicy,and tender. Really really delicious, Especially combined with smoked eggplant.
Look how juicy this Pork Smoked Beef.
The Smoked Fish Nugget is very great too.But, it is just usual nuggets so i think it is not to special.
And what make eating here special is we can order what the spice we want to use, there is salt,spicy,and barbeque sauce. The glaze from the food is from the sauce after get smoked. And i am always order salt sauce because the salt taste from the food and the sauce when blended is so delicious.
And the last after eating all the rice. I am always leaving the best to be eaten last. Yeah smoked Egg after rice and beef is very tasty. The saltiness from the egg and from the sauce make me feels like flying.
After eating all until there's nothing left we ended with enjoying drinking jasmine tea.
So,this is the end of my content hopping you are enjoying reading my content and don't drooling after read this content. And if you are from Surabaya city, you need to taste this restaurant, there is plenty ingredients beside of the pork if you are Muslims.
Really i recommended this restaurant.
And thank you for watching and supporting my content.
See you again in the next content.