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RE: Caramelized Fig, Feta, and Biltong Pasta: A Quick Lunch Recipe

in Foodies Bee Hive8 months ago

Oh I remember now! Well, try to make it a holiday in short, haha. But I know, the travelling gets to one if you just want to get it over with. Being in the long distance relationship, I usually looked forward to flying, but now I just want to get it over with and it has become a really crappy way of transportation. But it is the only option we have!

True, garden's are fickle and funny things sometimes; what you want to grow usually never really wants to grow in that spot. The less we interact the better, but this is also not always an option! You want nice produce and this requires interaction and interference with nature's plans! All a delicate balancing act.

Have a great new week!


Yep, you understand me fully. It is a chore. But like you say, sometimes the only option.
I did have a few nice break stops where we could see some great things. Like a lock with beautiful views of little boats going through, or a waterfall and a cute city center where we had lunch and suddenly saw so e awesome murals around.

It did break the driving up a bit. Now I am on the 14 hour long ferry ⛴️⛴️⛴️ then 2 days driving again and another ferry ⛴️. Soon we arrive… soon 😊

Yes, nature is for sure a balance act. I want to plant a food forest, with lots of perennials that will maintain itself… one day. Probably not at 64N hahaha 🤣

Thanks! You too. Enjoy your week 👋🏻

Oh yes, I am sure that is all of our gardeners' dreams, hey, planting a self-sustaining food forest! I would love one.

And even if one brings a couple of books on those long travelling periods, you get tired of reading so that does not even always help!

I hope that you will get some time to rest properly after all of the travelling!

One day… I will create one. (Probably not here)

Exactly… i could watch out the windows for a while and just watch the world go by. It is nice too. As we also travelled by train.

I will have to make time to rest up, as my body so needs it. My back started to play up again half way driving last week.
So rest for me…

Rainy weather today, let’s see what tomorrow brings.
Have a great day!

Oh this brings back so many memories. When I was still young, I never read while we travelled, I always watched the moving world outside my window. I still do it when I do not drive!

Oh, let us hope our dreams for a food forest are realised!

I am so sorry about the back, that really indicates that you need rest. I hope the weekend was nice!

Yes… me too. I always look out. Don’t need a book or phone. I watch the world…

That would be wonderful… let us hope 🍀🍀🍀🍀

Taking it slowly for now. We had loads of rain. Today the sun is shining and the next 2 days should be dry. I hope so as we need to mow the grass (read meadow) around the cabin. As we couldn’t in the last 3 weeks as it was too wet.
I managed to fall yesterday on a walk along a river. It was still raining… so everything was wet.
I had my hiking boots 🥾 on… but stepping on a rock… made my foot slip and I went downwards falling backwards. I caught myself on my elbows and bum / right side of hip… hehehe trying not to fall on my back.
So all bruised up now and my right elbow is still open 🙁
Seems like i am not lucky and the stars are telling me I have to rest even more now… sigh

Oh my, the body is always right though. You need to rest, especially after a fall. I am so sorry to hear that, and on a hike that is the worst, because you need to hike back all bruised and battered. I hope that the recovery period will be short!

I wish for long grass, as I love to mow it. Some sort of dopamine hit when you smell the grass and see the order you created from the chaos. But in the winter the grass almost comes to a standstill and it does not want to grow. Only in the summer do I have that privilege!

I hope that your body will take care of you, and vice versa! Keep well and stay safe.

It wasn’t fun. As like you say… I still needed to hike further. I managed.
My right elbow is still very painful. All black and yellow now. What means it is healing well. One more week and all is forgotten. I am resting. Did go for a few short walks, to keep moving. Don't want to seize up the muscles.
Today and tomorrow are rainy days, so rest…

I like mowing, just for that. It smells amazing. Especially now it is still rather wet. Finished with it all yesterday as I also had to weedwack some areas and the edges.

Thank you so much, on it 😊
Have a wonderful day 👋🏻

Pure nostalgia, for me at least, the smell of freshly cut grass. Always reminds me of my grandfather and his beer after cutting the grass. Sweet memories.

Oh no, that is the worst. The healing and the changing of color, but as you say sure signs of recovery! I myself had a similar injury, I hurt something in my hand in the gym, and it has been three weeks I think that I have been unable to go back. Frustrating.

Anyways, have a splendid new week!