Hi dear community! I come with a easy recipe but a really full of flavor one. There are dishes that even when they are really easy to prepare, they have a lot of magic. This is the case of this dish recipe. Let me show you how I cook my Creamy pumpkin soup.
You don't know this but I'm not a person of soups but when I was a kid my mom solve this "problem" cooking for me this delicious creamy soup and since then, I'm in love with it. I don't cook it constantely but when I do, I just can feel happy.
I hope you enjoy my video recipe and please let me know if you have try it before or if you have done any other creamy soup, I would love to know it.
Thanks for being here, hope to see you here a next time.
Hola querida comunidad! Vengo con una receta fácil pero llena de sabor. Hay platos que aunque son realmente fáciles de preparar, tienen mucha magia. Este es el caso de esta receta de plato. Déjame mostrarte cómo cocino mi sopa cremosa de calabaza.
No lo sabes pero no soy una persona de sopas pero cuando era niño mi mamá resolvió este "problema" preparándome esta deliciosa sopa cremosa y desde entonces estoy enamorada de ella. No lo cocino constantemente pero cuando lo hago, me siento feliz.
Espero que disfrutes mi receta en video y avísame si la has probado antes o si has hecho alguna otra sopa cremosa, me encantaría saberla.
Gracias por estar aquí, espero verte aquí la próxima vez.
Video recorded with my Tecno camon 20
Video edited with Capcut
Thumbnail created through Canva
Background music
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