carisma77 rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-180569 • yesterdayCassava Desserts With Oat MilkThere are many desserts that we can make, and they don't have to be full of flour. Looking at local ingredients is the rightcarisma77 in #hive-180569 • 13 hours agoHealthy Oatmeal, Apple, and Almond Snack / Snack Saludable de Avena, Manzana y AlmendrasENGLISH. Greetings, beautiful vegan community! I hope you're having a peaceful and relaxing weekend 😊 I always try to have something sweet at home for a snack on the…carisma77 in #hive-173296 • 6 days agoExquisite Apple-Filled Pastries / Exquisitos Pastelitos rellenos de ManzanaENGLISH. Greetings my dear creative community, happy new week! 😊 Today I want to share a delicious recipe with you. I've always loved those apple-filled desserts. I…carisma77 in #hive-120586 • 9 days agoMy Breakfast Today, Healthy Apple Pancakes / Mi Desayuno de Hoy, Panquecas Saludables de ManzanaENGLISH. Greetings, beautiful foodie community 😊 Today was one of those days when you have to juggle several responsibilities at once, and sometimes it seems like…carisma77 rebloggedsunshine29 in #hive-120586 • 9 days agoEasy Flavorful Vanilla Strawberry Muffins 🥮 Greetings hivers and foodie friends 🥰💕.carisma77 rebloggednurfay in #hive-180569 • 11 days agoFirst Time Making Banana Oat Nuggets **Simple, delicious snacks are sure to provide you with the best recipes at homcarisma77 in #hive-180569 • 11 days agoHealthy Vegan Cookies with No Added Sugar / Saludables Galletas Veganas sin Azúcar AñadidaENGLISH. Greetings, dear vegan community 🤗 Today I was making a recipe I saw online a while ago. As you know, I love experimenting with new recipes, especially when…carisma77 rebloggedzupasteleria in #hive-120586 • 13 days agoQUESO DE YOGURT GRIEGO: “LABNEH”/GREEK YOGURT CHEESE: “LABNEH”.¡Bienvenidos a mi rinconcito en Hive! Me declaro amante de las recetas a base de yogurt o yogurt griego y si bien se pueden consumir solo, al combinarlos ccarisma77 in #hive-120586 • 12 days agoSoft and delicious brownie-style cookies / Galletas estilo Brownie, suaves y exquisitasENGLISH. Greetings, beautiful foodie community 😊 I hope you're all doing well! As you can imagine, I love cookies and I love chocolate, so today I'm sharing a wonderful…carisma77 in #hive-120586 • 19 days ago Delicious Almond and Lemon Crackle Cookies / Deliciosas Galletas estilo Craqueladas de Almendra y LimónENGLISH. Greetings, beautiful foodie community 😊 One of my favorite things to make in the kitchen is cookies. Over the past few months, I've learned to make them in…carisma77 rebloggedzupasteleria in #hive-120586 • 19 days agoYOGURT GRIEGO CASERO AL ESTILO ZU/HOMEMADE GREEK YOGURT ZU STYLE¡Bienvenidos a mi rinconcito en Hive! Con el yogurt griego se pueden preparar infinidad de recetas tanto dulces como saladas, que además de ser deliciosas son saludables para nuestrocarisma77 rebloggedmonipk35 in #hive-120586 • 19 days agoMarranitas Vallunas [Esp-Eng]Las marranitas Vallunas es plato típico de la región colombiana más específicamente en el valle del cauca allí esta preparación es demasiado pcarisma77 rebloggednurfay in #hive-180569 • 19 days agoLayered Young Coconut Pudding**A tiring day with such hot weather in my area lately is indeed very sucarisma77 in #hive-180569 • 20 days agoBeetroot Cake, amazingly delicious / Torta de Remolacha, asombrosamente exquisitaENGLISH. Greetings dear vegan community, happy start of the week 😊 The recipe that I will share with you today has pleasantly surprised me. When I saw the recipe on the…carisma77 in #hive-180569 • 25 days agoExquisite Chia, Cocoa and Banana Pudding / Exquisito Pudín de Chía, Cacao y BananaENGLISH. Greetings dear vegan community 🤗 Today I want to share with you a kind of Pudding, it is made with very natural and healthy ingredients. You can eat this…carisma77 in #hive-173296 • 27 days agoTrying an easy recipe for bread with a crispy crust / Probando receta fácil de Pan con corteza crujienteENGLISH. Greetings dear creative cooking community, happy start of the week 😊 Today I woke up wanting to eat freshly baked bread, you know what I mean, that smell that…carisma77 in #hive-120586 • last monthExquisite Vanilla and Chocolate Cupcakes / Exquisitos Ponquecitos de Vainilla y ChocolateENGLISH. Greetings foodie friends, I hope you are doing well 😊 Today I bring you a delicious recipe, these cupcakes are not just anything, their flavor is truly…carisma77 in #hive-189869 • last monthSpecial Carrot Smoothie / Batido Especial de ZanahoriaENGLISH. Greetings dear Amazingdrinks community 😊 Today I bring you a new smoothie, its main base is Carrot and Almond Milk, although you can use the Milk that you like the most.carisma77 in #hive-173296 • last monthGluten-Free and High-Protein Pizza / Pizza sin Gluten y Rica en ProteínasENGLISH. Greetings dear creative cooking community, I hope you have started the week on the right foot 🤗 Today I am going to share with you a recipe that I have wanted…carisma77 in #hive-180569 • last monthExquisite Eggplant and Almond Cream-Soup / Exquisita Sopa-Crema de Berenjena y AlmendrasENGLISH. Greetings beautiful vegan community 🤗 Who doesn't like to have a comforting, delicious and nutritious soup? This recipe that I will share with you today has…