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RE: Baked Eggplant Rollatini - by Sunscape

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year (edited)

Oh boy, that looks soooo goood! But I’m not supposed to do nightshades. Sigh…

I’ve been craving lasagna. I make it with a white sauce and ground chicken, ‘cause, you know, nightshades. There's supposed to be enough for many meals, but somehow, it never gets frozen...


I should not be having nightshades either, but, I do have them from time to time. I do skin and de-seed my tomatoes to get rid of the lectins so that helps a bit. I am working hard on healing my gut biome and it is a slow process. I did stop taking my acid-reducing meds and am suffering a bit, but not as bad as I thought.

We both love Lasagna and stuffed shells in our house so I make a lot so I can freeze that too. I may have to have some in the next couple of weeks.

I also skin and de-seed but alas, it doesn't really help. I'd probably do better if I didn't cheat so often...

I am right there with you! I am trying to do so much better, lol.