After Christmas celebration and Christmas Eve celebration on Monday, I had to take some days to slowly recuperate from all the gatherings and meetups. Hence why I have to do a belated Christmas post today.
Christmas was merry! Very merry!
I used to very very like going out for festive season and maybe I still do but this year, I am going slow and want to enjoy more quietness so I cut down many activities. However some gatherings with family and friends still brighten up this season!
So I was resting at home and still cleaning the house on Christmas day and cooked a simple lunch. At evening, after the children's nap, we went to my brother-in-law and @iamjadeline's open house. It has been a while since I visited them at their place. Some of our friends were already there. They served us with pizzas, tarts and the most delicious liver ever with some gravy. Oh my I could not stop helping myself to that liver. It was just TOOOOO GOOD! My boys were having sooooooo much fun at their house with their cousins. I was so happy to see them off- screen and even I was off screen until I did not take photos because I did not even take out my phone!
It was really a good time there. We stayed there till it was almost time to head towards my in-laws' place for Christmas family dinner.
2nd Stop - In- Law's place!
My mum-in-law cooked her very specialty, Mum's tuna mushroom spaghetti and boy, everyone was non stop eating. My second son enjoyed it soooo much though it was his first time trying it. He just went mouthfuls after mouthfuls. She added in canned tuna, mushrooms, mayonnaise and seasoned well with dried herbs.
There was also roasted chicken of 2 flavours that she has bought from a bakery. My boys cannot live without chicken and everytime there is chicken, their eyes shine!
There was also salad with multiple dressings that we can choose what we like : roasted sesame, sesame soy sauce, black vinegar and onion and creamy spices.
What a scrumptious meal of comfort food!
Presents' time!
Now it has come to the happiest time for rhe children when the grandparents handed them their presents respectively!
Some opened and immediately played the present like my firstborn and his chess.
The second boy entertaining his uncle when he asked him to pose.
We forgot to take a family group photo with my parents- in-laws' Christmas tree at their new place!
Here is just one photo of the beautiful tree without humans.