Sometimes I think the only reason I buy bananas is so they’ll start going black, giving me an excuse to make some treat with them. Kidding. I do eat them as they are, too. Sometimes. Anyway, as luck would have it, I had two just charring, and when I read the word ‘brownie’ in this recipe title, I was sold.
And here, you thought I was off sweets just ‘cause I quit Instagram.
Anyway, this is a very slightly altered version of the linked recipe, just full disclaimer.
What you’ll need:
- 2 ripe/overripe bananas;
Mash these to puree in a bowl.

- 100 grams (ish) of butter;
- 70 grams of dark chocolate;
Melt the chocolate and butter over water until fully combined. Set aside to cool a little.
- 150 grams of sugar (recipe calls for 250, but to me that’s overkill);
- 2 eggs at room temp;
- Vanilla extract;
- 25 grams cocoa powder (I just went by eye);
Whisk these together on high speed until fully combined. Fold in the chocolate-butter mix, then the mashed bananas.
- 120 grams flour;
- baking powder;
Finally, combine the flour and powder, then fold them into the brownie mix.
Optional (but worth it, imo)
- 75 grams dark chocolate chunks/chips;
- 30 grams ground nuts;
Fold these in. The ground walnuts were my idea, just because they were there, and they go great with banana.
Now, these are the quantities used in the original recipe. I thought they were a bit little, depending on your container. I used a long rectangle shape (13 x 30 cm) and it came out alright, as you can see. Seems a bit small, quantity-wise, for a more traditional ceramic tin like you see in the original recipe. So feel free to tweak to taste.
The hard part. The original recipe says it’s done when you bang it on the counter and the thing deflates but doesn’t jiggle. About 40-45 minutes their time. I was doing some cardio while waiting for the bake and frankly, I don’t have time to see if my brownie feels like jiggling or not. So I used the toothpick test, which they say don’t do. I figured if there’s some chocolate/batter on the toothpick, but it’s baked an appropriate amount of time, it should be okay.
I baked it for about 40 minutes. It looked pretty done when I took it out. Toothpick came away with some batter, but not covered in it. Good enough for me.
After sampling, I can safely say it came out tasty. It’s soft. Not sure if brownie-soft, but definitely alright by me. Do the jiggly thing if you’re fancy and bon appetit!
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