Homecooked roasted pork belly, gyoza, omelette and herbal soup!

Time to cook!

We overspent on February due to Chinese New Year and school holiday, also a little overspent this month due to school preparations, hence I am motivated to cut down expenditure by cooking at home few times in a week.

Let's use whatever in the freezer!

When my parents were here last month, my Mum actually cooked something for me and freezed them and brought all the way to me. She brought for me frozen gyoza as well as frozen cooked roasted pork belly. Time to used them up. Easy easy cook. And I added one more omelette and soup.

Omelette with carrots

I forgot to take picture of this one, due to rushing-kinda-forgetfulness. But very easy to cook also. Firstly, seasoned the eggs with salt, pepper and a few drops of Maggi sauce, beaten the eggs. In the pan, sautéed onions and garlic till aromatic, added in the diced carrot cubes and cooked till softened, followed by adding the eggs in. Pan fry on both sides till the eggs are cooked.

Frozen roasted pork belly

It was very simple to do, for the frozen pork belly, just let it thaw for one hour, and pan fry on low heat on all sides till brown. Transfer to clean chopping board, chop them to desired size for consumption.

Frozen Gyoza

For this one, need not thaw, just straight away cook. I used the same pan which still had some pork belly's oil, pan fry till some crisp on the bottom, add some water, and cover the pan with lid to let the gyoza steamed awhile.

I super enjoyed my lunch because the roasted pork belly so crispy cracking good, and gyoza were so delicious and my omelette was tasty!!! The boys loved it too. Husband did not want to eat so much for lunch so he only consumed the below.

Herbal Soup

I also boiled one pot of herbal soup which is good for lungs and immune system. In it there are red dates, Solomon's seal (yuzhu), Chinese yam, dried longans, Chinese almond, some cordyseps flowers and some lily bulbs. Just add all together in the pot with soup bones and boiled for 2.5 hours. Voila!

I am still getting used to the new timetable because my eldest son now only go to school in the afternoon. For the past size years, he went to school in the morning, so this new flow of time is rather a huge change for us. Also, he was from Chinese school, now he is in Malay school. Soon, we will get the hang of it.

Now, let's eat! Bon appetit!


Looks so yummy that roasted pork belly!