in Foodies Bee Hive9 months ago (edited)
It isn't quite summer until THIS happens, CORN ON THE COB !! Oh yummy, yum, yum!


I had this last night and there are two more ears left. They will probably disappear tomorrow I'm thinking. Look at that baby glistening with melted butter....


There is some salt on there too as you can see, some of it sticking to the side of the dish. I have new corn dishes too. I have had one last white one for years and of course, one at a time is all I need for me, but I was buying some for one of my sisters and what the heck, I decided to have some new ones myself ! These are a soft butter yellow. I thought they were quite sweet.


When I was growing up, around the time I turned 8, my family moved to a house that had a bit of a small field behind it and there my Dad began to plant a garden every summer. It was not huge as gardens go, but it was not small either. He planted beans and corn and tomatoes and okra and cucumbers and a few other things now and then. We use to help snap beans and shuck corn and all that fun stuff and he and Mom would can a lot of it for the winter. That meant we were eating very well all year long.
One thing my Dad did that I think stuck with all of us was, when the Silver Queen corn came in (it HAD to be Silver Queen), we'd have a meal that was all-you-can-eat corn on the cob. We all loved it and so did he and at least once, sometimes twice, we melted lots of butter, got out the corn dishes, which if I remember correctly, were green and plastic with the ridged design of the corn shucks on it.... and salt and pepper of course. We children thought that was the grandest thing ! So now, all these years later, we all have an affinity for it and try to get our fill when it starts coming in fresh.
Nothing left but the bits !


Ok, I fibbed, there were no bits left, because I ate these too !


It's wasn't truly summer till this happened.
I think I can see the weekend from here. I got my car back after work and that made me happy. I took it to the carwash and then stopped next door to that and bought some broasted chicken, which I am about to go eat for supper.
I hope everyone has had a good week so far and has some fun plans for the weekend.
Luv ya !

Yesterday I also eat boiled sweet corn for breakfast. Yummy!

For breakfast ! I don't think I have ever had corn on the cob for breakfast, but it sounds like a GREAT idea !

Yummy !... for sure !

that’s good for diet also, added boiled eggs 😊

I love boiled eggs too ! Those I HAVE had for breakfast before.

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My apologies if I mis-posted somehow. I have read the rules. I have no idea which rule or rules I didn't follow. You won't have to worry about me doing it again. 💛

Boiled Corns are also my favourite.. unfortunately there is no Seasons for corns rightnow..

They are SO good... aren't they? This is just the beginning of the season here. It never seems to last long enough though, or at least not for me. 😊

Thanks for visiting my post.

Thats sweet juicy corns 🤤🤤

I wish to have it soon..

I cant wait to grow my own again! YUM

I'm too old for the heat, so unless something drastic happens, I won't be growing anymore of my own, but like I said to someone else, I'm sure glad SOMEBODY is still growing it.

Yum !

That looks yummy! I typically added some butter on top and spices too.

Hi !

I have mostly just used butter and salt and pepper because that was all I knew to use for so long, but when I lived in Texas for a while years back, I did see others put something like chili powder on it there. I can't believe I didn't try it while I was there. I might have to check around and experiment with something else, just for the fun of it.


Thanks !

Looks blummin yummy!! I would love to grow corn but it's too cold and wet here!

Gardens are hard to tend when it gets hot here. I'm glad somebody does it though, because I buy all I get now. I would hate to think I could never have any more.

Thanks for stopping over ! I was wondering if you would pass out when you saw I posted something with no art dabblings in it.

I almost passed out but the sight of the corn plates revived me. Who knew there was such a thing! 😀

You are joking...right ? You have really never heard of corn dishes ?? Now ....I.... am the one about to pass out. LOL !

They even have dips on the ends so your corn holders can stick out on either side. I know everyone doesn't have corn holders, but WE did !

It's the first I have ever heard of them!!!

I think because corn is still a bit exotic over here believe it or not! Lol!

I was thinking after I said it, that if you can't grow it easy there, then that would account for them not being a thang. Here in the southeast of the US, it is grown all around, so the dishes have been around for generations. Now I am wondering who invented the first corn dishes.

Hehe, yeah, It would be cool if we could grow it easy but it dont like the cold and wet!

I like seeing something surprising and new!

What about here, is it corny on this one?

Yes.... still corny.... VERY corny !

I mean, like so very corny-rific


Oh ! Corn, corny, Corn Hole !

That's a fun game.

 7 months ago Reveal Comment