#LivingElSalvador. Making Mango Leaf Tea From Fresh Mango Leafs. Amazing Health Benefits.

in Foodies Bee Hive9 months ago (edited)


We were cleaning our backyard today, and with that came trimming the mango tree, since the mango season is almost over.

There were a lot of branches we trimmed and got some mangos from the tree too. Now there are only few mangos left on the tree😔





After cutting the leaves from the branches, I washed all the leaves and then let them dry in the sun for couple of hours to dry the leaves, so that I can use dried mango leaves to make the tea, instead of throwing them away.


I also kept some branches so that I can make the tea from fresh mango leaves for few days.

After washing the leafs, I would boil about 7 cups of water and cut about 20 of the leaves into half or 3 parts and put them into the boiling water. I would cover the pot with a lid and turn the stove temperature down a bit and I would shimmer the leaves for 20 minutes.



And the tea is done.



I would let the tea cool down a bit and then serve it.



The colour of the tea was so beautiful and the taste was actually pretty relaxing, smoothing and calming, even though we did not add anything to it. No sugar, no honey, but just pure fresh mango leaf tea.


The reason we did not add any sweeteners to it is because this tea has amazing health benefits, which are listed below and adding sweeteners seems like, takes the whole purpose away of the health benefits it provides.


  • Lowers your blood pressure
  • Lowers your collesterol
  • Helps fight diabetes
  • Anti-cancer properties due to polyphenols that are present in the leaves
    like quercetin, phenolic acids, gallotannins, and mangiferin
  • High in anti-inflammatory properties
  • High in antioxidants
  • Source of nitrogen, iron, sodium, potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, B, E, C and magnesium
  • Contain polyphenols and terpenoids
  • Skin health
  • Help hair growth, protect hair from damage
  • Treats stomach ulcers
  • Treats kidney stones
  • Promotes good sleep

There is no side effects recorded for this mango leaf tea, but you should always consult your doctor, especially if you are taking any medications, since it may interfere with your medication.

I will be making this tea every day, since it is recommended to drink it every day, even twice a day.

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Image created by my beautiful friend @sunnylife


Ooh wow
I never knew Mango leaf tea does all of these
It will even make sense to have it at least, twice a week…

I know. I had no idea either, till friends and family members keep on telling me that you can make tea from the leaves for a while now. So I researched it and started learning about it and I couldn't believe all the amazing heakth benefits it had and hos much time I waisted of not drinking this natural medicine, especially since it's just what my husband needs.

Ehhhh, so we can just do this in a mango leaves and we'll have an instant tea. And with those benefits, this is amazing tea. Thanks for this though. Didn't know we could do this 🤔

Yes. I know. So easy and fast to make. Natural medicine is everywhere around us, it's free and most people don't know anything about it.
I just found out about this lately too, but so glad I did.

Really better coz we have mango trees everywhere so finding this leaves is so much easier. And it freeeee

Yeah. It's awesome.

I would never have thought that mango leaf tea was a thing! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I wonder if you can do this with other fruit trees as well? I have some lemon trees growing on my property and I would love to experiment with leaf teas! In any case, thank you so much for sharing, it looks wonderful.

Actually, the avocado leaves have almost the samd health benefits as the mango leaves.
My husband said that when he was little, his grandma would bath him in bath full of orange, lime, mango and/or mandarin leaves when he was sick.
I am not sure about the teas from the other trees, I will search all about it.
Last time I was living here in El Salvador, I was making tea from papaya leaves, which also have amazing health benefits.

Thank you so much for the wonderful reply. That is really fascinating and I might give it a try. We have so many other fruit trees, avocado, fig, citrus, and maybe all of these leaves might make for soothing and medicinal hand wash or body wash. Thanks again and I look forward to reading more!

Making mango leaf tea sounds both refreshing and healthy. I like how natural it is, and the idea of using fresh leaves straight from your backyard is fantastic. Amazing dearest

Yes. It's pretty amazing, that natural medicine is all around us and the more I learn about it, the more I want to research and learn all about it.


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