Making Pancakes with Egg Whites and Fresh Creamy Cheese :p

in Foodies Bee Hivelast year (edited)

Hi, foodies in the Hive!

Wishing you all a nie week ahead 😁❤️

Do you have a single pancake recipe or do you like to try a new "formula" from time to time? I think it's good for us to know how to play it safe and thus have a go-to recipe for our favorite dishes and also for those dishes that may not be our favorites but have become commonplace in our culture or simply in our closest social circles.


It's possible that many of us associate pancakes with the US culinary culture. I have read about "proto pancakes" and "flat cakes" which can be traced back to the Stone Age.


Even though the oldest records come from Greece, about twenty-five centuries ago (more here if you are interested), pancakes have a certain American tinge thanks to the media. In Venezuela, cachapas (fresh corn flat cakes) are extremely popular but very difficult to make at home, let alone every day; that's why we have arepas, haha. But pancakes are also a comfort food with a lot of Venezuelan flavor. Grandmothers and mothers make them for their grandchildren and children; they add their own touch that differentiates them from the pancakes of other houses. In my house, my mother used powdered milk and lots of eggs; her pancakes were low in sugar and a little heavy but very, very soft. She didn't make them much and maybe because of that, I made them a lot for my son and after he grew up and left to make his own life, I still make them for my husband and myself from time to time.

Today I'm making some pancakes to use up a cup of leftover egg whites I've had in the fridge for a week or so. Then today's pancakes will have no egg yolk.





  • 75 gr margarine
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 200 gr fresh creamy cheese (natilla)
  • 200 gr self-rising flour
  • 1 cup egg whites
  • pinch of salt

  • a little oil and margarine to cook the first pancake



Although many people complain that their pancakes are never fluffy--even when it's OK if they are not fluffy, always that they are light--, making them is actually easy. I think the critical element is time: you must let the batter sit for several minutes. Not all recipes for pancakes allow you to beat and cook immediately.


I started by mixing the sugar and margarine until it turned creamy.


Then I added the fresh creamy cheese.


Following, I added the sifted flour.


At this point it was like a dough; I was able to mix it easily with my silicon pastry spoon.

Now it was time to beat the egg whites. Meanwhuile, I leave this chubby friend to sit for some minutes.


Since I wasn't particularly interested in the egg whites being very stiff, I didn't use my electric mixer.


I whipped them up with a hand whisk until I liked what I saw.

Once I had the ball of soft dough and the beaten egg whites, it was time to mix them together. I did this little by little using a silicon pastry spoon, until I got a homogeneous batter with a good amount of bubbles.


To Fry Not to Fry

When it comes to pancakes, I do the same as with crepes and only fry the first one. I use a little margarine; I also add a little oil so the margarine won't burn.


After the first pancake is done and out, the pan is ready to cook the rest of them without us having to grease it anymore.

I used about 3/4 of a ladle for each pancake. This time I made 7. I usually make only 5 with this amount of flour, so I guess the egg whites are a good trick to get a little more batter than usual.


This worked even when I added fresh creamy cheese, which tends to deflate the pancakes a bit because of its acidity; it's like buttermilk: it softens the batter but also keeps it from taking in as much air as when you just add milk and baking soda.

The result was really good. But I think I could've used less flour; only one cup, perhaps.


What about you, do you use any variety of cheese to soften your pancake mix?

I hope you've found thispost helpful 😁❤️


Bon appetite!



All text and images are my own. I have taken the pictures with my Redmi 9T cell phone. And if any GIFs here, I've used GIPHY for all them.


Thank you so much for your visit :)


Banner by @andresromero 🖤



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You're too kind, @qurator team ❤️

WOW! Estas son un lujo total, solo verlas me provoca cenar otra vez , quiero las tres primeras de arriba , luego las tres siguiente jajaja, me dio hambre 🤤😋

De tres en tres se llega a 100 😄 Bueno, más a 99 😂

Gracias por pasar, querido amigo ❤️ Te las guardo, las 99.

Voy saliendo por ellas jajaja, tomo el primer vuelo que sale 🤣

Espectaculares y esponjosas, en casa somos mas de arepas, pero en las meriendas si las preparo, solitas o con plátano acompañadas con un café 😋

Nunca les he colocado queso crema, pero leche en polvo si. Estas se ven esponjosas, una delicia amiga. Saludos.

Mi mamá las hacía con leche en polvo. Cuando aprendí a hacerlas, añadí vinagre a la leche, para hacer buttermilk; así quedan más suavecitas. Con el tiempo sustituí el buttermilk por yogurt. Ahora básicamente les pongo lo que tenga en la nevera. La mayoría de las veces las preparo con leche de coco y así evito la lactosa. Pero te digo que en mi casa el desayuno es arepas el 90% de las veces.

Saludos, @jessiencasa ❤️ Y gracias por pasar 😁

Protein loaded pancakes, yum!

Pancakes or crepes are so simple dish to make, yet when you start explaining the difference between American pancakes and French crepes, people often get confused (at least here pancakes are pancakes no matter where they came from)

I love crepes, but I make them with an unripe plantain instead of flour, in the blender. Yummy!
Pancakes will be pancakes no matter what 😁

Thank you so much for dropping by! ❤️

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Thank you so much for your consideration and support, @amazingdrinks ❤️ Much appreciated!

So good to know! Thank you so much for the approval and support 😁
Have a nice week ahead, dear @sirenahippie ❤️

They look absolutely delicious!
It's been years since the last time I made a kind of pancakes, but I think I am going to make some soon :)
I was triggered by the claim of the ancient greek origin of pancakes. I had no idea, but it looks like they have even found the recipe according to another greek post I am reading now. It is a pretty traditional sweet here but in a more flat version :) The fluffy one became famous the last years. According to what I read, it is believed to have its origin to Stone age, can you believe? It used to be common during prehistoric times. That's crazy!
Great post @marlyncabrera, thanks for sharing!

Hi, @traisto! Thank you so much 😁

I can't imagine what they had to work to get those pancakes done in the Stone Age. That's thousands of years ago. Unbelievable. I guess they were thick and ugly, haha, but tasty, otherwise they wouldn't have bothered to pass the recipe on to the next generations and this one would never have been perfected.

Thank you so much for dropping by. Looking forward to your 21st century Greek pancakes!

I can't imagine what they had to work to get those pancakes done in the Stone Age.

I will never again say I am bored to make them 😁

Thick and ugly, haha, yes probably. Tasty for sure! I found it so impressive!

I'll let you know if I make some good ones, you inspired me after all :)

Aaah! Ese es el secreto para que queden tan suaves y esponjosas, usar las claras de huevo a punto de nieve y sin la yemas! Buenísimo!👏👏👏👏👏👏👏

Admito que soy de las que anda inventando nuevas formulas para panquecas.😅 Una vez hice una con una cucharada de harina de coco, harina de avena y una manzana, pero quedaron muy blanditas por mas harina que le agregué. Aunque quedaron ricas, pero no le volveria agregar manzana! Jeje!😆

Hace poco le dije a @n4nd0 para hacer unas panquecas, pero que le íbamos agregar una lata de maíz para darle ese toque a cachapa. Vamos a ver cómo queda!

Si fuera por mi comiera panquecas en la 3 comidas! Jeje! Me encantan!

Como siempre nos compartes una impecable receta, @marlyncabrera!

Sí quedaron esponjosas, aunque creo que las yemas les hubieran dado un poco más de suavidad. Es interesante que me digas eso porque me haces recordar que cuando hago el pan de plátano, me queda la miga más ligera y alveolada cuando le pongo solo las claras.

Nunca he hecho panquecas con maíz. Creo que es un sí definitivo. Las panquecas son un plato muy versátil. Mi mamá hacía una mezcla de harina pan amarilla, huevo, leche, margarina, azúcar y zanahoria rallada para hacer lo que ella llamaba cachapas caseras; no tengo idea de las proporciones ahora mismo, pero sé que alguna vez las habré hecho. Son riquísimas para los que extrañamos las cachapas.

Espero estés teniendo buena semana, querida Zu, con muchas ventas 😁❤️

A decir verdad no suelo consumir panquecas, sin embargo cuando las hago me gustan que queden esponjosas así como las tuyas. El queso ahumado le da un toque delicioso se lo agrego a la mezcla rallado para comerlas solitas con mantequilla eso es todo. Esto me provoco.

En mi casa la come panquecas soy yo. Mi esposo las tolera con tal de no tener que cocinar 😂 Mis favoritas son las esponjosas, pero las crepes me gustan mucho también ❤️

Gracias por pasar, bella @aguamiel 🤗

I love pancakes😍♥️

Me too! 😁❤️

Looks delicious! Thanks for sharing this! 😍

Thank you so much and thank YOU for stopping by ❤️

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I have always associate pancake with american culture too....

I almost never make them, but i dont like to use margarine, it's Just free colesterol tough, i would use only oil

Thanks for sharing tough!