I am hundreds of kilometers away from the city where I live, specifically in the city of Barinas, Venezuela, I arrived yesterday in order to visit some relatives who I have many years that I have not seen, it was a long and tiring trip because of the intense heat of the road, but it was a successful trip and without major developments. It was time for dinner and we decided that the best thing to do was to eat something on the street, so we went to Cheo's Grill restaurant, a place that sells fast food like hamburgers, hot dogs, cachapas and grills. This place is located in the Cinqueña 2 Urbanization, wide street of Cinqueña near 17th Street, Barinas.

The city of Barinas belongs to the Venezuelan plains, and being another region then the gastronomy also changes, so the additional ingredients that a simple hot dog can have can be quite rare or exotic. There were some interesting variations on the menu, but the one I ordered was the “Súper Perro”, a hot dog that comes with Polish sausage, salad, bacon, shredded beef and yellow cheese. You are probably thinking that it is strange that a hot dog has meat in it, but that is the way things are here, they also add shredded meat to hamburgers and other fast food dishes, that is probably because this is a meat producing or cattle raising state.

So we ate our super dogs with shredded meat and the truth is that the sensations were good. All the ingredients contributed interesting things with their intensity and good taste, I must say that it was rare to eat a hot dog like this, but I liked it a lot, I even think that with such ingredients it became something completely different from a hor dog. Before going back to my city I will go again to Cheo's Grill and try something else with exotic ingredients, I think it will be good for my palate and for my culinary experience. And tell me, what do you think about these weird hot dogs?