'I need some luncccch' Jamie says, in that kinda 'I'm not asking you to make it' kinda way but absolutely hoping I'm keen. He wanted salad. Fine, I say, stomping to the kitchen. It's not good being a wife unless you complain a little when you have to get in the kitchen. But I don't mind. It's about how much I love him.
So, my fave new 'mexican' salad it is, full of nutrients. Firstly, I fry off some peppers, as half of these will go into to flavour the bean dip. I grate some tofu, and chop some spring onions, a third of which will also go into the bean mix.
The spring onions get fried in olive oil, then I add another splash of olive oil and at high heat, start frying the tofu. A good spoonful of ground garlic, a splash of tamari, and a good spoonful of ground cummin also go in to flavour it. As that's frying, I go turn the smoke alarm off and whiz the beans in a blender with cummin, the half pepper, some salt, a few jalapenos and a tsp of tomato paste and the juice of two limes.
That bean mix goes in the bottom of the salad. Black beans are really good nutrition wise and is some protein as well that'll work well. Oh yeah, I also fried up some young zucchinis from the I pick a little at the tofu as I start layering the salad - it's got a great, chewy texture - almost like mince, but nicer. If I had some smoked paprika I would have also thrown that in.

The salad has two layers essentially the same - a bit of tofu, some lettuce, tomato, red cabbage sauerkraut, peppers and zucchini. This means every bit will be tasty, especially as the fork picks up up with some beans. My favourite sauce of the moment gets squeezed on top. I got this from 'Cheaper Buy Miles', a discount food store, but don't know if they'll have it again. It's not too spicey, but ajvar is awesome with mex flavours. It's essentially a sauce made from chargrilled capsicum and sometimes eggplant. I love it. Oh, and a little bit of grated cheese, too. Fetta would work nicely.
Well, that's lunch. Back to the shed for more building camper shenanigans.
It's a blood good salad. I imagine you could add some cornchips too if that's what you fancy, or just put it all in a wrap or softshell taco.
When we finish, Jamie offers me a coffee. Because that's how he shows he loves and appreciates me.
With Love,
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