Special Creamy Banana con Yelo with our Homemade Sweetened Banana

in Foodies Bee Hive8 months ago


A cold and creamy drink with bits of homemade sweetened banana, milk, jelly ace, some chocolate, and crushed ice? Sounds yummy, right? You want that? This is seriously perfect in a hot weather so I suggest you try it with your family ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ.

It's one hot day when Mommy D decided to cook sweetened banana and make a Banana Con Yelo with lots of crushed ice. Banana con Yelo is a cold drink with milk and sweetened banana. Yelo means ice, so it has crushed ice too. You can also put a "sago" or a tapioca pearl or whatever on it, but we don't have that time. Just a sweetened banana will do. We can just add more toppings if you have some in mind.

You can use an ice crusher to get crushed ice, but as for us, we just crushed it using the wall. You know, like literally crushing it to the wall, lol. And as you can see, the ice is not fully crushed, but that's just how we like it. I love to eat ice and let it melt on my tongue. Who loves to do that here? High five ƪ(‾.‾“)┐ Lol. And so, I prefer it this way, how about you? Shaved ice, or whatever ice?

Now, for the milk, you can use powdered milk or evaporated milk, or do both if you want, the more, the creamier. But there's a chance that you might get diarrhea, so don't overdo it. Just put in the amount that your tummy can take. I tell you, too much is bad. As for me, I put in a lot, so, you already know what happened next after that for sure, lol.

And if you have some chocolate in there, why not crush it too and put it on top? I just really copied what the oldies did and put some flat tops in it. Flat Tops is a cheap but really good chocolate bar that, when you put in a cold drink with ice on it, that chocolate will harden, which is more amazing. I also mix that in Halo-Halo, just like Hany. Or you can also try chocolate powder, I think that too will add a yummy flavor to the banana con Yelo. I'll try that maybe next time.

Now if your little siblings have some jelly ace or just any jelly ace you know, why not get that? Cut them into smaller pieces and mix them too in here. To make our banana con Yelo more colorful. But now it looks like a halo-halo, lol. But still, lots of ingredients are missing, so this is still a banana con yelo. By the way, you don't need to cook gelatin as long as you have a jelly ace, which you can just buy in any convenience store. If you don't have it, just a sweetened banana, milk and ice is okay. It's really not required to put other toppings in our banana con yelo, but if you prefer it that way, then you can try any topping you like, try to experiment ฅ^•ﻌ•^ฅ.

And there we have our Banana con Yelo with crushed chocolate and jelly ace, which looks like a Halo-Halo now. And by the way, you won't need sugar in here because our sweetened banana already has it.


Lead Image Edited in Canva.


Banana con Yelo I need to meet you l, hehe. I'm afraid your fate may end after our short time together 😋

I love to eat ice and let it melt on my tongue. Who loves to do that here?

I use to pop ice cubes in my mouth when younger sometimes plain sometimes with chocolate syrup or other syrups.

Hahaha you know it is actually easy to prepare. Just cook the banana in a caramelized sugar, ready your crushed ice then the milk, then that's it haha. You can put any toppings you want too, maybe some sweet corn, hihi.

How about now? Haha it's fun to do it. I just can't do it as often as I want it to, coz cold drink or ice means sore throat 😆😆🤧

How about now?

Not so much. I use to make crushed ice that way, hehe. I didn't save for later though went in didn't come back out. Now I don't trust my older teeth 😲

madam, niluto mo yung banana sa brown sugar? parang gusto ko magtry...

Niluto yan madam, mas masarap kapag luto tapos yan na pinakang pampatamis mo, hehe. Try na. O kaya mais con yell, sarap din yan

Nagmatamis kmi ng langka kanina, bukas pa kainin haha

Ay sarap nyan ilahok sa halo halo madam. Gawa kana din hehe

Ang sherep2 naman nito <3

Naku! Inggit naman ako neto haha. Mainit today and this would be perfect to cool it down.

Ayoko sa whatever ice, haha. Tamad nguyain ba😁


sweetened banana>
banana is sweet already:)) what do you do with it?:)