Since the beginning, anytime I've had a yearning for this incredibly flavorful and rich Vietnamese soup, I've always gone to Pho places. I could make one, though. I suppose I've never considered doing it myself.
Phở Bò (Vietnamese Beef Pho Noodle Soup) is the national dish of Vietnam, a dish that many Vietnamese hold dear to their heart.
Then, a friend and fellow stacker, @gwajnberg, shared how he enjoys preparing this nutritious soup at home.
In addition, I would like to prepare pho for my beloved sister, @elizabethbit.
This is for you, sis, 😍!
How to make Pho
It's the easiest dish to make, in my opinion!
It's only broth. However, a few spices are required to give it the clean, energizing flavor that is specific to Pho.
These include cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, and anise. To make it easy to separate and remove the spices, I kept them together in a drawstring spice sachet bag. You can simply add the spices to the broth if you don't have one.
A chunk of rock sugar is also necessary. And a spoonful or two of sugar will suffice if you don't have this!
Rock sugar comes in a variety of forms, and any will work. Brown sugar or simple white sugar will work, as I mentioned.
Pho is easy to make!
To the water, add the beef with bones, 2 onions sliced in half, the spices, rock sugar, a little salt, and fish sauce. Bring to a boil, then lower the heat to simmer until the beef is quite tender.
Beef and bones are ideal! A beef bone broth is what you're looking for. I used beef ribs and beef neckbones.
Of course, you can use beef in any form. Or use chicken instead! I'll try chicken the next time!
Simply substitute salt if you don't have fish sauce or don't like it! It's not a huge deal!
While the broth is simmering, you can prepare the toppings: lemon, green onions, jalapeno, and cilantro.
I would have loved to add bean sprouts, but this ingredient is not readily available at my local stores. Fresh basil leaves are great, but I run out.
When the beef is cooked and tender, add the vermicelli noodles to the beef broth. It will take about 8 to 10 minutes to cook.
Vermicelli noodles are a common ingredient that you can find in any grocery.
When done, lift the noodles from the broth.
You are now ready to assemble your pho.
Place the noodles in a big bowl.
Followed by the beef.
Then the broth.
And that's it!
This is so delicious!
This is for #SublimeSunday as inspired by @c0ff33a and #FoodieBeeHive.
This is also a post for the Show us your California of @derekrichardson.
A shout out to #TEAMUSA - @tattoodjay, @dswigle, @wandrnrose7, @wwwiebe, @wesphilbin, @thebighigg, and @coinjoe.
I am also a member of #ShadowHunters and #OrchidLovers.
As always, this post is for the #silvergoldstackers and #ladiesofhive.
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I hope to see you again soon!
Hugs and Kisses 🥰🌺🤙!!!!

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