Homemade apple sauce from the mystery tree

in Foodies Bee Hive7 months ago (edited)

Living in my new home for the last few years I have made some discoveries, one being that there is a apple tree on the property. I had no idea about this when I bought the property, never pointed out by the previous owner. But it has some tasty apples, last year I made some apple sauce with them and it was so good. I had to made it again this year.

Using only well water, a little cinnamon, sugar and cored apples (not skinned). I cook it down, mash it.. cool it. Use the immersion blender on the chunks, and then put it back on to simmer for an hour or so to cook off some of the water.

So many apples to pick from, looking for the most red ones is key. I use a long pole with a claw basket to collect them.

The cultivar of this tree is unknown, would love to have a way to find out what kind it is.

It is massive, at least twenty feet tall. It needed some love, had a bunch of dead branches on it. So last year I lobbed off many of them and I think the tree is happy with that.

Seeing all the apples up there, there must be hundreds. This tree must be very old.

Its hard to see them all.. many of them are still ripening and quite green.

Soon the upper apples will be ready as well.

This tree has been wood peckered more than anything I have never seen.. yet its still alive and producing much fruit.

The holes go all the way up the trunk.

It has been fun having an apple tree, the wild life enjoy it too. We get crows feeding on them. And near end of season those apples get really ripe and the crows get a little drunk and hop around and fall over. lol there must be some fermentation going on in those ripe apples.

Probably should start spraying the tree with insecticidal soap, the japanese beetles really like to the leaves and go after the tree.

Though none the less we still get many fruit, even with the onslaught of insect damage this tree has taken.

If anyone can tell what kind of apples these are from the looks of it I would love to know.

We think they may be crabapples.. but not completely sure.

Whatever they are, they can be eaten raw.. or made into tasty foods.

Having a tree that produces fruit like this is priceless. Such an old established tree so a gem on the property and really glad to have it.

Maybe one day we will find out what kind of apples they are, but for now I will cook with them as much as possible. With so many left on the tree it will be time to collect more soon. Entire buckets full, to make many yummy things.

With all the apples cored out, and sliced up. I put them in a pot with water boil them for a bit to soften.

After they soften, I mash them up and then blend it all up. And cook the sauce down for an hour or so. It changes from a blonde color to a darker color once fully cooked.

From two large bowls of apples I was able to make four jars of apple sauce.

It should last me a few months. I enjoy having it with ice cream, or as a side with porkchops. Or just a spoon full whenever I want. Keeping it in the fridge should keep it stable for long enough to eat. We may freeze the larger jars but I may need to remove some from each jar so it can expand frozen.


Wow, what an incredible discovery to find such a treasure on your property!

Your homemade apple sauce sounds absolutely delicious, especially with that touch of cinnamon.

It's amazing how you've nurtured the tree back to health, and it’s clearly rewarding you with a bountiful harvest. I bet those apples taste even better knowing they come from your very own mystery tree. Keep up the great work, and I hope you find out the cultivar one day... until then, enjoy all those tasty creations!

I am really thankful to have it, glad its survived this long and I can taste some of its fruit.

Yep, many branches were dead on it. Probably no one cleaned up limbs in a decade. So happy it came back so strong with a little help.

It's amazing how a little care can bring new life; once again... enjoy the fruits of your efforts! 🌳🍎


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Good evening my brother ♥️♥️

I saw all the photos of the apple tree that you shared, but as you said the apple tree is already very big and needs special care to make the apple tree healthier, and you keep a lot of apple sauce stock and that must be very nice♥️

Hehe yeah I do have quite the stock of apple sauce now.

Glad you liked the post, and enjoyed seeing the photos of the apple tree.

Wow, that is a pretty huge apple tree! We used to have one at our old house and it was always a pain mowing over the fallen apples in the fall. It was like driving down the worst dirt road you can imagine. Usually the deer would come and eat whatever was on the ground. We never tried to make anything out of them because they were a bit sketch looking.

It sure is big. Oh yeah I can see how that would be annoying. We have apples just laying all over our driveway. Wasps and stuff are getting into them.. And the crows eat them too.

Many of these apples looked all messed up, but I was able to cut off much of the bad parts and use the rest.

Yes, we had a lot of bees as the apples would turn as well.

I have to be careful stepping on those fallen apples. If theres a bunch of stinging insects inside they may just get pissed enough to sting me if i step on the fruit.. I would think.

Yeah, nobody wants that!

It must have been exciting to find out that you had an apple tree on your property. You certainly gave it a lot of love when you nicknamed the tree.
It's amazing how many fruits you have.

How great to be able to preserve them by making puree from them, you could also make apples in syrup, that helps with conservation

Someone who can help in identifying the type of apple is our friend @seckorama I know there are many fruit trees in the mother's garden

You have done a great job dear friend @solominer with this apple tree

Hah yep "the mystery tree"

Really glad I was able to make something tasty from the fruits.

Oh cool.. yeah if @seckorama has any idea what cultivar it is I would love to know.

That apple tree has a lot of Apples on it
I wish I could just have one in my compound cos I so much love apple

Yep full of apples.. Oh well depends on how cold it gets where you live. There are low frost hour apple trees, but depends on how many hours a year of cold weather you get it.

This actully made my mouth water lol homemade apple sauce is so dang good and toss in a little cinnamon YUM! Always taste so epic coming straight from the source.

Hah nice, glad you liked it.

Yeah that cinnamon really is the icing on the cake.. makes it even more tasty.

Wow... Applesauce, it looks very delicious, of course it tastes very delicious because it is homemade, I have just seen the first sauce made from apples.
And the apple tree is also very big, friend.
I can't wait to taste it 😊🥰😍

It sure is tasty, oh this is the first time you have seen apple sauce? Its great, if I ate as much as I wanted I would get so fat.. haha

Wow it's great for me because my body is currently thin 😄😄

lol I got quite the belly going, hoping to burn it all off during firewood season.

Having a tree that produces fruit like this is priceless.

Sheer Joy....I think, its an indian breed.

Oh okay, I will look into Indian breeds.

@tipu curate

Wow, this must look very delicious with its apple sauce 🤤

It sure is tasty

In pork chops should be great and super appetizing I really liked that your apple tree looks strong and healthy even though it is several years old and the fruit is a good size and looks great thanks for showing it.

Yeah it should be tasty.

Thanks it is quite the old tree, but strong.

You can make so many desserts with them, apple crumble and apple pie are my favourite 😋. Have you considered making cider? That would use up a lot of the apples

Sure can, many things we can make with these apples. So far we have just ate them raw and cooked them into a sauce. But I have a long list of things to make with them.

Yeah I may give it a try. I need to look into the steps to making cider but it could be fun.

wow that is a great amount of apples. In my old house, I planted two apple trees, but I had to move out to another place. Now my priority was a trampoline for my kids, but for sure when it is gone I will plant an apple tree again =)
I love an apple pie!!

Hah yeah I am not sure what I am going to do with all of these apples.

Yeah it sucks when you start a tree and have to move before they start fruiting. Bringing them with you is not always an option.

Hope you get that apple tree one day.

Me too.. pies are tasty. Maybe I will make one.

When I lived in New Brunswick there were farms with apple U-Pick it was fun for kids!! Maybe you can organize some stuff like that the next summer hehe

Oh cool. I have went to one of those farms for picking strawberries.

Lol no thanks. I like the seclusion here.

I can't but imagine having a Apple tree in my compound. It's going to be a heavenly living😅
Unfortunately, my part of the world don't produce apple.

Enjoy your apple sauce

It is nice, something you pretty much have to find existing otherwise if you plant one it will take a good 5-10 years to fruit.

Ah yeah, it probably does not get cool enough to allow apple growth.

This is interesting.
I can't even imagine seeing apple to grow randomly around. I wouldn't know the plant when it's young

Looks delicious😊

It sure is

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Awwwwww so many apple on one tree, I wish we could grow apple in my country. Too bad we can’t as we import them.

Yep there are many of them.

I am afraid so, many fruit trees require "frost hours" so if it does not get below 45F where you live you may not get fruit from them.

But you can grow things I cannot grow, like citrus and avocados.

What I would do for an avocado tree :-)

But you can grow things I cannot grow, like citrus and avocados.

Ohh yeah we have so many of those here. Moral lesson “You cannot have it all”😃

What I would do for an avocado tree :-)

What I would do for an apple tree as they are a bit pricey over here.

Hah yeah, no matter where you live.. there is something you cannot grow I am afraid.

Ah they cost around $50 here which is a lot for a plant. I usually pay $10 a plant, but being a fruit tree its more of an investment.

Ah they cost around $50 here which is a lot for a plant. I usually pay $10

Wow!! That’s on the high side though but at the end of the day it’s worth it.

This brings back memories, when we moved to Missouri, there was a huge apple tree in the backyard, it had the biggest and sweetest yellow apples I have ever eaten. I wish I had one now.

Have you ever cooked apples in squash? We grow Seminole squash, which looks like small pumpkins, cut them in half, flip them upside down on a plate cook in the microwave for 5 minutes, turn over put sliced apple, cinnamon, and a little butter in the center, cover with saran wrap and microwave until squash is soft, I forget the time but you can keep checking it, I think it was another 5 minutes. So good. I think it will work with other types of squash like butternut or winter squash.

Oh nice, I am really glad to have one here. Its such a treat.

I have not tried that, but that is good to know. Never thought about cooking apples inside of squash.

It's a dream come true for me to see an apple tree in person, and I am so excited to taste the apple sauce you shared. 😇

Oh cool, well hope you get to see one.. one day.

Very fresh and healthy food my friend

That's amazing, and they are in full bloom, anytime soon they'll turn red, ready for harvest. This is like a super rare bonus when you bought the house. So cool! And that apple sauce sounds interesting. So is it like a jam? Can you also eat it with bread?

The apple blossoms really look amazing, and loving all the apples.

Its a little too wet for bread, I like to add it to my ice cream or just eat a spoon full once in awhile.

For sure , no doctor visits during the season of apple.😊 Since an apple a day keeps doctor away.😊😊

Hehe should keep me healthy.. yep I have heard of that saying.

Heheehe, stay healthy. 😊

How nice that you have your own apple tree.
I love these jars of applesauce that you have made, so much fun @solominer

It sure is, I am really thankful to live somewhere they can grow.

Hehe glad you liked it.

I love applesauce.. especially homemade.. we had a whole Orchard (like 6) of apple trees growing up.. we cooked them core and all but then ran them thorough the food processor to get all the yuck out.. also if you have extra apples look into homemade cider..

I love apple sauce too.. I could eat it by the jar full until I get sick.. lol

Oh nice, we have some younger apples trees but they are yet to produce. Maybe one day I will have close to six of them.

Good idea on the cider, if we get tired of making other stuff its probably worth it.

6 trees is a fuck load of apples..

Yeah I bet it is, best to make as much alcohol as possible with that many.. lol

!discovery 30

It must have been thrilling to learn that you had an apple tree.
You have an incredible amount of fruits... just massive!!
Yes, apple sauce is staple. You can make apple jam too. Use 6lbs apples, 2 cups granulated sugar, 1/3 cup lemon juice, 1 packet of powdered pectin, and 1 cinnamon stick.

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It sure was, the first year here we found so many fruit trees we had no idea existed.

Oh cool, I should give jam a try.. thanks


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My guess is they are too big for crabapples…

I think you are right, when I look up crabapple recipes for apple sauce theirs looks different from mine... Also their sauce comes out with a red tinge and mine did not.. So it may just be a ordinary apple tree.