When I have extra buds and trim, I like to make an edible oil to eat. By cooking the buds at a low temperature and then cooking them again at an even lower temperature in coconut oil I can get a cannabis rich oil. Eating a spoon full gives me a good feeling through out the day, though I would not recommend eating as much as me if you do not have much of a tolerance. But for me I find a spoon full of coconut infused cannabis oil just right.
Writing this post I was inspired by @futuremind's cannabutter guide.. You can find it here.. He also made a video of how its all done. https://peakd.com/hive-151602/@futuremind/crockpot-cannabis-butter-guide
He made his a little differently from how I make mine. He uses butter and water in a crockpot. So I figured writing how I make mine by comparison we can see different techniques for making cannabis oil. As they all work great, and its up to how you are the most comfortable and which tools you have at your disposal to make it.
The final product is shelf stable as it has no animal butter. And its taste has some of the coconut flavor in it, though I do not best not to taste it when I eat it. Just get it down as fast as I can without gagging on the overpowering cannabis flavor. I do not really do well eating normal edibles, so that is why I just eat a spoonful of oil. As much as people think you can cover the flavor in foods, I just find it easier to have a spoon full of pure oil and not try to eat something with it cooked inside of it.. But that is just how I like to do it.
Starting off the process, I select a jar full of my outdoor grow from last year. I still have many jars so I do not mind using up one just for the oil.
I grind it all up, though I hear I do not even need to do this.. whole buds cook fine too, as the magic butter machine I will show later has a blender in it.
Weighed it so I know the dosage, around 21.5 grams.
I add more, but from some old shake and stems we had laying around.
This weighs 29.97 but it has lots of stems in it unlike the last weigh in.
So a total of 51.47 grams of cannabis material will go into the oil.
I place the grinded up buds on a cooking sheet lined with foil. And cook it at a temperature of 240F (115C) for 1 hour.
While that is cooking or known as decarboxylating the buds. I will measure out the coconut oil.
I go for 2 cups, but since its not completely melted I go a little over so I have enough.
I add the coconut oil to the machine, its fine its not all melted.. there is a heating element inside this machine that will heat it up once I turn it all on.
Finally the grinded up buds and stems have been heat activated as part of the decarboxylation process. I could eat this now but may be a little hard to digest.. so that is where the oil comes into play.
Putting the machine back together the lid goes on and it will blend, heat and repeat many times over the next two hours helping the grinded up buds to merge with the oil.
After two hours have passed I strain out the cannabis oil using a bag that came with the magical butter machine. This allows the oil to pass through but not the stems or grinded up bud.
It is a good idea to let the oil cool down a bit before doing this part. Otherwise it can be painful on the hands. They give you a glove to wear but I just find waiting for the oil to cool down works better.
Looking inside of the magical butter machine we can see the oil, stems and all.
I pour it out into the bag and start collecting the oil below in a cup. Squeezing helps.
Slowly but surely it all comes out.
So I yielded a little under two cups of oil.. Pretty good.. that is the minimum amount the machine can process. I find doing this way makes it the strongest.
Looks very potion like.. lol
Pouring the oil into tupperware I can store them on the counter.
Once cooled the lids can go on.
And there we go, we now have something ready to consume.
Once cooled it gets its green color from the buds and stems.
Alright time to try it out. The hardest part for me, as I tend to gag trying to eat the stuff.. Even worse if its in something cooked.. so just have to treat it like a shot of alcohol I am not trying to taste.. lol get it down as fast as possible.
Took me a few minutes and cup of water to eat it all.. I calculated around what kind of potency the spoonful should have. About 150-250mg of thc is in a spoonful of oil. This would be considered a very high dose, and I do not recommend trying this much if you have never done it before. But I have done this dozens of times, and worse comes to worse I just sleep it off.
I prefer to eat it in the morning, so today I took it at 9am. As if I take it later in the day I get really bag cotton mouth, and I find this interferes with my sleeping. So usually the effects last most of the day eating a spoon full, and takes about two or so hours to start feeling it from the onset.