Hello my loving Hiveans,
How are you, Good evening to all my dear friends. As usual, today I wish more than today, that tomorrow will be a successful/best day for you.In my country, there is a recipe for making bites of the type of fish called sea chicken fish as well as the recipe for devils. Today, I have brought to show you a recipe for making devil from sea chicken fish. This is really delicious. So let's see how to make it.
- 250g of sea chicken fish, skinned, cut
into pieces, washed and cleaned - A teaspoon of pepper powder
- Half teaspoon of turmeric powder
- A full teaspoon of salt powder
- A full teaspoon of chilli pieces
- 100ml of oil
- A average sized b onion
- Two pods of green chillies
- Two cloves of garlic
- A piece of cinnamon
- A normal sized ripe tomato
- A few curry leaves
- A pod of capsicum
- A teaspoon of cornflour
- A tablespoon of water
- A tablespoon of tomato sauce
- A teaspoon of soya sauce
The method of making;
First of all, let's season the fish. Add half a teaspoon of turmeric powder and half a teaspoon of salt powder and half a teaspoon of pepper to the drained fish pieces and keep aside.
Now we cut the other ingredients into the required shapes. For that, cut the tomato into a square shape, the big salt into a square shape, the capsicum into a round shape, and cut the green chilies and garlic into small pieces.
Now let's prepare the cornflour mixture. For that, add a tablespoon of water to a teaspoon of cornflakes and dissolve it.
Now fry the seasoned fish pieces.
Now add a tablespoon of oil from the remaining oil after frying the fish, and when the oil is hot, add the white salt cut into small pieces and add the remaining salt powder, pepper powder and turmeric powder to it.
Now add chili pieces and m
Turn off stove.
Then add corn flour liquid mixture and stir well.
After that add soya sauce and tomato sauce and mix.
Add sugar and mix.
Now add chopped green chillies and curry leaves and agai mix and turn on stove.
Keep the flame at a very low level and add capsicum cut into circles, big onions cut into squares and tomatoes and stir very carefully.
Add fried fish pieces.
Turn off the stove and mix all these ingredients well and remove from the stove.
I think of a special occasion at home for a meal. This fish devil is a dish that is necessary for a very good and proper banquet. Because when made from sea chicken fish, it is really tasty. It just tastes like meat. And it smells so good. I think everyone will like to try this delicious recipe.
Warmly thanking you for reading.