Greetings friends! I hope you are having a nice weekend. I want to tell you that a few days ago my boyfriend invited me to eat Sushi to cheer me up for the events of the last few weeks. In addition, for some time we have wanted to know different sushi restaurants in our city Maracay, in order to discover their flavors when making this delicious dish and also to know what characterizes each of them and of course, choose our favorite place to eat Sushi.
Sushi is a dish that has become popular all over the world thanks to Japanese gastronomy. However, there are similar elaborations of this delicious dish in Chinese and Korean cuisine.The origin of this preparation is debatable, but what is certain is that this dish originated in Southeast Asia. The etymology of the word sushi means “to ripen the fish”, since rice and other cereals were previously used as a method of preserving fish. This technique consisted of cooking rice and leaving it to ferment in order to introduce the fish in a mixture of rice and water so that the natural fermentation process would collaborate in the preservation of the fish. What is curious about all this is that at the beginning, the fish was eaten and the rice was discarded. Later, the Japanese people chose to eat the rice together with the fish, even when the fish was half raw. This sushi was called seiseizushi and became a popular way of preparing food rather than a method of preserving food.It was not until the 19th century when sushi began to be made without fermenting, thanks to the addition of rice vinegar, which is used to preserve food. Sushi was originally considered a street food, since it could be eaten with the hands. It was not until shortly after the Second World War that it began to be served in restaurants and thus became a luxurious dish.Personally, I think that sushi is an acquired taste, because its flavors and texture can be unpleasant for some palates. That is why in order to appreciate it and begin to enjoy it, prolonged exposure to its flavors and textures is required.

My boyfriend and I love to eat sushi and therefore, we have set out to know places here in Maracay where they are dedicated to creating this gastronomic delight. Through instagram we discovered a small place called Sushi Deli Gastro Bar.Sushi Deli Gastro Bar is a small restaurant located on Bolivar Avenue, just past the Galería Plaza shopping center. It has a cozy atmosphere and the service is excellent, but above all they handle very good prices and have promotions during the weekdays.

Mi novio inventando y siendo tierno antes de que llegara a la mesa nuestro pedido/ My boyfriend making it up and being cute before our order arrived at the table. 🤗🥰
With only $10 we were able to enjoy 26 sushi rolls of which there were twelve California Rolls and twelve Deli Rolls. In addition, this promotion brings 2 crab croquettes that were DELICIOUS, 50 gr of dynamite salad, 2 hashish, 1 eel sauce, 1 soy sauce and 1 fuji sauce.Really, this combo is super good and most important of all, the food was delicious. The rolls were the right size, the presentation of the dish was very nice, since it had finely chopped carrots and beets and accompanied the dynamite salad. The flavor was divine and the texture was nice, as we ordered them both cold and timed. The timed rolls had a crunchy texture that was not too exaggerated, I thought they were delicious, although my favorites were the cold ones, because I felt more the fusion of the ingredients once I bit into them.We accompanied this tasty dinner with a pitcher of cold papelón with lemon, because we didn't want to drink soda and it was more economical. We liked this place very much and we would go again to enjoy and try other rolls, because they were very tasty.So if you want to eat Sushi in Maracay, Sushi Deli Gastro Bar is an excellent option to go and enjoy a divine and satisfying gastronomic experience.

I say goodbye with much affection friends, see you in a next post. I hope to continue sharing with you different culinary experiences and great places to eat sushi. See you soon...
Créditos/ Credits
Fotos/ Photos: De mi propiedad, tomadas con mi tlf redmi 9T/ From my property, taken with my tlf redmi 9T
Traductor/ Traslator: Deepl