Brazilian Food Part 2!

in Foodies Bee Hive2 days ago

I am approaching my fifth week in Rio De Janeiro and have been eating tons of food. We eat amazing meals every single night because everything is 1/5th the price of what it would cost in the United States. Even so, im surprised my friends here Use iFood so much to get food delivered to their house.

When Highlander arrived we met him at the original Fogo De Chao :
fogo de chao salad bar

The essence of brazilian food is the ability to mix it together on your plate. You can make each bite exciting by mixing it slightly differently. My mom would love this kind of eating because she always says "oooh its so good when you mix a little of this with a little of that on the plate"

another buffet

The buffet-style eateries here in barazil are really fun! Usually "buffet style" in the US means low quality food but not here, In brazil it means "home cooked quality" which is so on point!

choose your own adventure

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We went to a non-chain version of fogo De chao where the guy holding the meat skewer asks if you want meat called Carretao.

I grabbed the whole roasted garlic bulb when i saw it.

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Each skewer has a different meat on it. I have become a fan of Chicken Hearts.

I went back for seconds

I could eat the holy triad of Rice, Beans, and that brazilian vinaigrette (the stuff that looks like Pico de gallo) every day. I have to learn how to make this stuff when i get back to the US its so good on everything. its like a really watery salsa but the flavor is something unique.

arroz a piamontese
This is another food i want to learn how to make when I get back to the US. i was told that it is not hard to do. The name of it is called Piedmontese Rice. Its an italian influenced dish. Cheesy rice.

a food stand at carnival
Look at all the names of the burgers haha. They all look gnarly! I think i ordered X-Tudo, but i'm not sure:

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Even with what was probably a frozen hamburger patty the thing tasted totally awesome.

I don't get sick of brazilian food. there are only so many different things to eat on planet earth and i think Brazil has distilled the essence of planet earths foods into its best form.

I decided to try my luck on buying a whole Graviola at the grocery store.

graviola cut in halfgraviola flesh deseeded
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It ended up kinda looking like puke but the flavor was really good but the texture was a little slimy and i think the best way to consume these is by putting it in a smoothie which we don't have.

a sirloin steak sandwich with cheese, using high quality steak

the higher tier version of an Acai. The acai palm is native to Brazil.

The lower forms of Acai sold here in brazil have tiny ice crystals in them. like a slushy. not as much ice but you can see and feel the little ice crystals. The higher quality Acais you cant detect the ice and they blended with other fruits like banana and guarana and have like a buttery texture.

ive been enjoying these Lime flavored pies when i opt for desert.

To end this post i want to touch on a little brazilian fried staple called Coxinha


It is shredded chicken and some cheese, wrapped in a potato dough, then deep fried. The origin of this is slightly unknown, it could have come from the factories workers in the 1920's trying to make a more affordable version of fried chicken Thigh by shredding it up, or it has a French origin where you shape the dough into a shape of a pear.

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Its doughy and soft but its good. i feel like dipping it in anything or applying hot sauce would be good on it.

you can see the layer of cheese in between what looks like 2 layers of potato dough
i try to avoid fried foods at all costs because the oil they are fried in is usually a toxic seed oil, but i have to try all these new foods people here suggest to me.

I will probably do another food post on one specific food that I have heard so much about called Feijoada, Brazilian Black bean stew. I have tried one version that we had delivered to the house but i want to try some other versions and get some better photos of it.


Looks great buddy! 🙌

I can give you some tips for an easy arroz a piamontese, and you should be able to find coxinha where you live. If there is a brazilian community near you (brazilians are everywhere), for sure there's someone that sells them frozen.

Brazilian food sounds like such an adventure! The mix of flavors and textures, especially with the buffet-style meals, must make every meal exciting. That Piedmontese rice sounds so good—cheesy rice is always a win. Can't wait to see your thoughts on Feijoada next!

have you had feijoada?

Oh no. My food tryouts have been painfully limited. Being a vegetarian makes it worse 🙂😭

Acai looks great! It's strange all that stuff togheter in a plate instead of one on each one

Acai is SO common here. its healthy for you too when there isnt too much sugar mixed in with it. anywhere you go, you can find acai. most meals anywhere do place things on the same plate, but, yeah, normally you try to mix them haha, i like the contrary in brazil though it makes every meal like a big tossed salad

Se ve muy apetecible esta camida brasileña.