Greetings dear friends of
#FoodiesBeeHive!, receive a hug and happy new year 2024. There are many recipes, I personally try to vary each year and adding nuts. This year I added the slivered almonds and the white chocolate drops. This tradition that we Venezuelans have adopted becomes more established every year. Who can resist a piece of panettone with a cup of good coffee. I hope you like my panettone recipe and enjoy.
- 4 huevos, 250 gramos de harina todo uso, 1 cucharada de esencia de vainilla, 1 taza de leche líquida, 1 pizca de sal, 1 cucharadita de levadura en polvo, 1 taza de azúcar morena, 150 gramos de margarina, 1 cucharada de fruta confitada, 1 cucharada de gotas de blanco y de cacao, 1 cucharada de pasitas, 1 cucharada de maní picado, 1 cucharada de almendras fileteadas, 1 cucharadita de nueces, 1 cucharada de maní surtido.
- 4 eggs, 250 grams of all-purpose flour, 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence, 1 cup of liquid milk, 1 pinch of salt, 1 teaspoon of baking powder, 1 cup of brown sugar, 150 grams of margarine, 1 tablespoon of candied fruit, 1 tablespoon of white and cocoa drops, 1 tablespoon of raisins, 1 tablespoon of chopped peanuts, 1 tablespoon of slivered almonds, 1 teaspoon walnuts, 1 tablespoon assorted peanuts.

Preparación / Preparation: 🍰
- Colocar la leche tibia en una cacerola y añadir la levadura.
- Place the warm milk in a saucepan and add the yeast.

- Agregarle una cucharadita de azúcar y dejamos en reposo por 30 minutos para que fermente.
- Add a teaspoon of sugar and let it rest for 30 minutes to ferment.

- Colocar la harina en el mesón en forma de volcán.
- Place the flour on the counter in the shape of a volcano.

- Agregar el fermento en el centro del volcán y comenzar a integrarlo con la harina.
- Add the ferment to the center of the volcano and begin to integrate it with the flour.

- Añadir los huevos y seguir mezclando.
- Add the eggs and continue mixing.

- Incorporar la azúcar a la mezcla.
- Add the sugar to the mixture.

- Agregar la margarina.
- Add the margarine.

- Añadir la esencia de vainilla.
- Add the vanilla essence.

- Incorporar los frutos secos y chocolate (reservar algo para el decorado).
- Add the nuts and chocolate (reserve some for the decoration).

- Integrar todo, la masa debe quedar suave.
- Integrate everything, the dough should be smooth.

- Colocar la mezcla en los moldes para panetón.
- Place the mixture in the panettone molds.

- Hornear por 30 minutos o hasta ver duplique su tamaño.
- Bake for 30 minutes or until it doubles in size.

- Con jugo de limón y azúcar glass.
- With lemon juice and powdered sugar.

- Preparar un glaseado suave.
- Prepare a smooth glaze.

- Rociarlos ligeramente.
- Spray them lightly.

- Y decorar con los frutos secos.
- And decorate with nuts.


Otras de mis publicaciones/Other of my publications
Las fotos son de mi propiedad tomadas con mi celular Blu Smartphones G60
The photos are my property taken with my Blu G60 Smartphones cell phone
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The gifs were created by the program and EzGifMaker