Family cookie recipe
Hey guys! Happy Saturday. Do you already have plans for the weekend? Let me guess - you are exploring new countries, enjoying breathtaking views, swimming in the sea, tasting new food... I know that most of you live your best life right now but you still can save this as an idea for a nice family weekend. The aroma of a fresh baking can make it even better.
Saying family recipe I mean this is one of of those recipe written on paper in a small notebook. I started it when I was a student.
Its pages are worn and yellowed with time. Each recipe in it is a small slice of time. Different ink, different handwriting. Corrections and crossing out. Sometimes mentions the source, names like "from cousin Maria",
"Alex Kozynets" or locations. I lost touch with most of them long ago. Oh, I love these memory pages.
But the trick it that some important nuances acquired with experience in the cooking process remained only in my head. Because (it seems strange and inconvinient nowadays) once the text is written down on the paper you cannot insert anything into it. Don't worry, today I share with you the "merged" version because I made it just yesterday.
2 eggs
2 tbs sour cream
30 g fresh yeast (or 10 g dry yeast)
1 cup of sugar (200 ml)
250 g butter or margarine
300 g wheat flour
2 sachet of vanilla sugar 10 g each
poppy seeds
chopped walnuts
You will need a mixer and a kitchen knife with a wide blade. And some skill and confidence. 😁
Separate the whites from the yolks, put the whites in the refrigerator.
Mix yolks, sour cream and yeast into a homogeneous mass using a spatula or spoon.
Mix butter with flour in a separate bowl using the knife, or you may rub the butter on a grater and mix with flour with your hands.
Now add vanilla sugar and liquid ingredients to the bowl with butter and flour.
Knead the dough that will not stick to your hands but will not be too hard. Add flour if needed.
Divide the dough into two parts and put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
Meanwhile, take out a baking sheet and line it with baking parchment. I have a gas oven, so I turn it on before I start working with the dough.
After half an hour, take out the cooled egg whites and beat with sugar until thick and fluffy.
Generously sprinkle flour on the surface where you will roll out the dough to prevent it from sticking and tearing when you make a roll.
Roll out the first part of the dough in the form of a rectangle. It doesn't have to be perfect. The thickness of the dough should be about 1 cm (no more). Spread half of the egg whites on the dough, the second half return to the fridge. Sprinkle it with nuts and poppy seeds.
Now the hardest part and it must be done quickly. Carefully make a roll so that the whites do not squeeze out. Cut the roll and place the cakes on a baking sheet. This is why you need a wide blade. The roll slices (the cookies) should look like a spiral but don't worry if they don't turn out perfectly. They will become more rounded when baked and look like a rose flower.
Bake your cookies at 180 degrees Celsius. Time depends on your oven. 30 minutes, maybe 40.
Repeat all this with the second piece of the dough and whites.

Well, this is it.
Have a good weekend!