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RE: Eine Ära geht zu Ende / An era comes to an end :-(

in Deutsch D-A-CH10 months ago

Wie kann man denn @hivewatcher, @adm und @spaminator erreichen?

Wer steckt denn dahinter?

Das ist echt eine Schande und das zerstört die Community.

Ich finde das sollte doch der Community überlassen werden und nicht irgend welchen selbsternannten Wächter.

Wenns wirklich etwas "schlimmes" an Content ist, dann noch ok. Aber gerade hier.

Es wird ja keiner gezwungen upzuvoten, hier wird keiner verarscht oder sonst was.



So sehe ich das auch!

kryptodenno, mein-senf-dazu sent you LUV. 🙂 (2/5) tools | trade | connect | wiki | daily

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Hey @mein-senf-dazu, here is a little bit of BEER from @kryptodenno for you. Enjoy it!

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Die Watcher haben einen Discord-Kanal. Dort habe ich auch versucht, meinen Standpunkt klar zu machen. Leider lassen die aber nicht mit sich reden. Dem Kommentar nach zu urteilen, haben die gar nicht richtig gelesen, was ich ihnen geschrieben habe.

Vorallem das mit dem Selfvote, das so ein Ding. Ich hatte mal eine Abfrage auf Hivesql gemacht und da waren über 80% oder mehr der Accounts die schon mal Selfvote gemacht haben.

Also ich finde es echt ein Unding.

Die lassen nie mit sich reden. Ich kenne einige Leute die deswegen mit Hive aufgehört haben. Jeder hat versucht das Problem mit denen zu klären. Aber es interessiert sie einfach null.

No one is destroying the community.
Only a few accounts that have been spamming and farming have been blacklisted.
The accounts were run by bots and were farming curations + self voting with alter accounts, while their automated giveaways posts have been giving next to worthless prices. Like packs of cards or "scrap" worth less than $1, while farming between $6-$15 per post (depending on the farming account).
The users were given a suggestion of starting creating original content or declining rewards on these spam giveaway posts but they refused the suggestion as they seemed to see no sense in using Hive if they cannot continue with these farms.

If it wouldnt hurt the visibility I would downvote such a laughable ridiculous statement.

@kryptodenno inspired a ton of people - myself included, see my alt @tgd-links - to have similiar giveaways. He is a cornerstone of the German speaking community and a ton of people love playing his games.

I am pretty sure he templates or at the maximum semi-automates his posts. And just because someone is mass responding to his comments with the same answer it is not spam.

From the reward perspective, there are only winners. Nobody is paying anything to participate, not even an upvote or reblog is needed nor incentivised.
It is always up to the publisher of the giveaway how much of the post rewards he gives away. There are people who give a lot less than Denno, but it is the free market of giveaways.

Before you come up with an alternative giveaway where all the rewards are given away and every answer to every comment is an individual clever pun that makes your day... STAY THE F AWAY FROM OUR GAME THAT HAS BEEN RUNNING FOR YEARS!

This was surely not a bot account or anything similar.
Everytime I see a post of you, I wonder, who gave you the right to be the police of Hive....

 10 months ago Reveal Comment
 10 months ago Reveal Comment


Hey @usms, here is a little bit of BEER from @janasilver for you. Enjoy it!

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