The number one problem with discussing climate change is terms.
Nobody on the left (or the media, or congressionals) wants to discuss terms, because they want to leave it all nebulous. So that they can make statements that are only "true" because they change the definition in the middle of the sentence.
Things like "Hundreds of climate scientists agree" Which was a poll to scientists, and their staff, and everyone even close to a "climate scientist" asking them a fairly innocuous question. In reality, there are very few climate scientists, and the majority that call themselves that, are on the dole of those pushing the global warming climate change agenda.

This is what our current "climate change" discussion looks like.
It is just a media circus.
With all the media and govern-cement talking heads blaming it on humans driving cars, cow farts and excess breathing.
It is obvious to anyone who looks, the that what is happening is because of the sun. It is affecting every planet in the solar system. And this sun cycle has been noted and calculated.
However, TPTshouldn'tB are waving their hands, telling everyone to ignore the data, and believe them, that its the burning of oil that is the cause of our plight. (even changing the definition of "our plight" in the middle of their movement.
As you can see from the covers of Time Magazine, the story has change from one pole to the other.
But, the Climate Change people never discuss this. All they do is tell people they are bad for driving cars, and that we need to get rid of oil, and we must tax CO2 (plant food). They don't discuss real pollutants and toxins that we should be minimizing. Nor do they talk about building any real alternatives. They just talk about the little people needing to stop driving (while they fly private jets around the world), and we need pay taxes to "save the environment"
It is all a scam. All they want is more tax money, and for people to be less free.

The Ice-Age That We Have Entered
Our first problem is that ice-age was taught badly in school. It was taught as a time of just cold, where there were huge glaciers.
But, how did those glaciers form? When it is really cold, there is less evaporation, less clouds, less rain. (Antarctica is the driest place on earth) So, cold isn't the only thing that is needed.
You need something to get lots of water into the atmosphere, like a spike in temperature levels, a heat spell, just before the ice age. And then you need something like extra UV radiation from the sun to keep evaporation up.
And, that is what we see right now.
This is normal, this should be taught in school as a solar cycle. We should be getting ready for long, cold winters.
But no, we must argue about CO2, and waste our money on ineffective "green" energy.
CO2 is a trailing indicator. Temperature goes up first, CO2 follows later.

You Need A Greenhouse
The elite plan to starve everybody, and then offer them bugz. If you can control the food, then you can control the people.
If you haven't noticed that per acre yields are dropping, then you aren't looking (and the MSM is keeping quiet). Our farmlands are failing. And will fail worse with shorter growing seasons.
Food processing plants are just bursting into flames all over. Way more than usual. And all of them in a way that is highly suspicious. This leads me to believe that there is a group of people who are working to lower the amount of food available.
The food in grocery stores is poison. It shows everywhere in our health system. Bad food = people of poor health.
You add up all of these things and you come to the conclusion that you need a greenhouse.
It doesn't matter if you are rich or poor, the only one you can trust to grow poison free food is yourself, and actual close friends. The labels on food products will become more and more meaningless, as more and more poisons (and bugz) are hidden behind strange names.
- food scarcity will be a thing
- food poisoning is a thing
- food may not be for sale at any price
- the summers are going to become shorter and more intense
- stores will be shutting down. (your local grocery store may stop existing)
- food prices will be skyrocketing.
So, stop listening to the "climate news fear mongers". Take things into your own hands. Move to a place where you can grow your own food. Start actually living.
Build a greenhouse!

Title card by me, other images from the twitters