Sewing Cotton Flannel Pajamas for Winter / コットンフランネルのパジャマを縫って冬支度

in NeedleWorkMonday4 months ago

My New Cotton Flannel Pajama

In Germany, autumn is well underway, and it already feels almost like winter. The temperatures are chilly not only in the mornings and evenings but also during the day. I’d been wanting some warm pajamas for fall and winter, and I managed to finish sewing them just in time last week while it was still warm.

When I started thinking about cozy pajamas, the fabric that came to mind was cotton flannel. It’s a material filled with memories for me—my grandmother and mother sewed pajamas from flannel when I was a child. I love that it’s made from natural fibers, feels soft and warm, and is so comfortable against the skin at this time of year.

Flannel - Wikipedia

When I took a look at a fabric store in town, I found this beautiful navy check fabric, reminiscent of a deep, winter night. It was an instant choice! I always seem to be drawn to blue and navy tones… haha.

Cotton Flannel Fabric for My Pajamas

I bought this fabric using a gift card from my partner's parents. They know about my love for sewing, so they sometimes give me gift cards or ask me to do alterations 😊

The pattern I used is from Rieko Ohashi’s book, FLW Sewing and Style. Although it was published eight years ago, I love the timeless designs and comfortable, relaxed fit of her patterns.

FLW Sewing and Style by Rieko Ohashi

Pattern I Used for My Pajamas

I had sewn a shorter version of this long shirt before, so I knew it suited my body shape and was comfortable to move. The collar was, as always, a bit nerve-wracking to sew. With Ohashi’s patterns, without much zigzag stitching, the seams turn out neat and hidden. I like to sew my clothes because I can spend time end effort for small details.

The Collar - The Biggest Challenge

Here’s how it looks when it's worn. It has a relaxed but not overly loose fit, which I really like. When winter arrives, I plan to wear a tank top or long-sleeve shirt underneath and throw on a cardigan or down vest for warmth indoors.

Final Look

The comfort is so good that I’m already tempted to sew another one in cotton flannel 😉

It’s that time of year when the cold makes it even more enjoyable to work on handmade projects at home.

Wishing you all a happy Needlework Monday!

🧵 🪡 🧵




フランネル - Wikipedia



この生地は、相方のお父さんとお母さんからもらったギフト券で買いました。私の洋裁好きはよく知られていて、時々お直しの依頼がきたり、ギフト券をもらったりします 😊


大橋利枝子 著 『FLWのソーイングとスタイル』








それではみなさん Happy Needlework Monday!


This looks so neat.
Weldone,your work is fine.

Thanks, @praiselove! Happy to read your comment 😊