The Impact of A.I

in Ecency Supportlast year

A.I has become so prevalent, and because of this fact, @ecency-star released a prompt today, asking us to describe how it has affected our lives, negatively or positively.

Here's A Link To The Prompt If You'd Like To Check It Out.


A.I Music

One thing I've been coming across on YouTube recently is songs, or entire albums that have been uploaded that day, or only a few days before. Most of these albums have few views, but the fact that they're flooding the place in such numbers is a bit concerning for musicians, or anyone trying to get into making their own music and releasing it digitally.

I assume as time goes on, there'll come a time when new listeners are unsure whether or not a song is by an actual band, or if it's someone farming tunes in the hopes of going viral and earning passive income from typing in prompts and uploading whatever comes out.

Some people might argue that it's great that people with little to no musical skill can create songs that they have in their heads, but I'd be against that idea.

I heard something before that kind of relates to this topic. Story Time: When the crossbow was invented English archers and longbowmen refused to move with the times and use it, because there was no skill involved with using a crossbow. There was a certain amount of honor involved with using weaponry that took dedication and time to learn, and because of this, they lost a lot of people to crossbowmen.

With that same idea, I think if someone wants to make music, they should take the time to learn an instrument and write some music, as opposed to just typing in prompts and getting back something to then upload, or try to sell.

In a lot of ways, it's used for financial reasons and is one of the most low-effort things someone can do in the hopes of earning money.

A.I Writing

I think a time will come when a lot of novels, and novellas floor the self-publishing market, as people try to pass off A.I fiction as their own to - again - try to sell and make some money.

This isn't really worrying to me, because I think anyone would be able to tell the difference between AI-written stories and Human-written ones. But, who knows?

There are a lot of artistic areas, like writing and music, where it is very hard to break in. With the - already - oversaturated market hard to compete in, I can't imagine how much harder it'll be when everyone and their nan is going it.

It doesn't bother me too much, and I'm not going to let it stop me from doing what I'm doing. It is scary though to think of how hard it'll be to compete as time goes on.

A.I Art

Now, art on the other hand is pretty cool. I've had some good creations made from prompts I've fed Night Cafe, and at the same time, I've had some stinkers come back.

I'd love to have the money to pay an artist to draw what I'm thinking, but I'm not in a position to do that. So, while I can't hire an artist to design creatures, aliens, planets, ships, and fauna. Using polymer clay I can create my own designs, but as far as art goes I've never been great with it.

While it's hypocritical in a way for me to use AI Art, I don't think it is as bad, because I'm not passing it off as mine, or monetizing it. Even here on Hive when posting stories, I source the AI art I generate and use for them, to make it clear that I'm not claiming ownership of each piece.


AI I think is in such a Wild West phase right now. There's AI programming too and having looked at it, I think it has some uses but it's not the uses folks think.

I suspect in the long run they will all become a means of quickly drafting ideas that humans then refine.

Yeah, you're right man it's still early days yet. It definitely has its advantages, but it's also scary to think of what the future looks like with it, and if it's going to be a blessing or a curse.

AI programming is pretty too, and I actually recently watched a video about a guy who managed to launch a token using just AI to do the heavy lifting, which was pretty interesting.

I'd be interested in watching that if you still have the link, but if not I'll just search 'ai coded token' and see what comes up lol

Here you go man, it's really interesting how he did it. As I was watching this I really wanted to check the token out but didn't until the end of the video.


I was surprised when I saw AI-generated Instagram influencers. I would never even think they were artificial if my friend didn't tell me it