Croton flowers are beautiful

in FreeCompliments3 months ago

The more flowers that fill our yard, the more the charm of our yard will increase because scientifically flowers are the decoration of the yard. If there are a lot of them in our house, then our house is a beautiful house, but not all flowers have the same beauty, every flower certainly has its beauty and uniqueness is no exception and the croton fruit which has several colors is a flower which has beauty in its leaves and it does not have flowers. This is a type of ornamental plant which prioritizes the leaves and not the flowers.
The croton flower is one of the flowers that fills my yard. If we look at it from several aspects, this flower doesn't really have any advantages, but what makes me admire this flower is that it has large and beautiful leaves. Some of the colors that fill the leaves of this flower include bright colors, among which I have entered a color that is so lively in a way that you can't see the beauty of this flower for a long time and this is one of the flowers that enlivens the aura of other flowers around it.
The colors green and yellow are typical of the color of the leaves of the croton flower. This one has two bright colors. This is a unique thing that other flower leaves don't have. This is what is unique about this flower and to plant this flower is easy, I just plant a tree and with care water it once a day or twice this is an easy care a care that is not occupied and if we leave the house here are some things that can still survive and if the other data includes flowers that look easy to grow under any circumstances this is what made me interested in flowers that have a strong immune system because this would hinder our other work too much.
did this croton flower in the morning so you can see how fresh the leaves are and I took the photo from different directions so we can see several aspects of the beauty of this croton flower. I took it with my smartphone. Samsung a20s with the location of the mountain in Aceh Indonesia where I was born and where I do various jobs and where I developed my profession as a photographer.
Here are some pictures and also writings that I have arranged as best as possible according to the picture and according to my knowledge about croton flowers. Sharing in a natural community is a part of I know I saw the direction of this picture as soon as I entered this large community. Of course My writings are still far from the writings of seniors in this large community, but here I have tried as best as possible after my knowledge of arranging language so that it is easily understood by my friends. What are the advantages of this croton flower? And we hope that this flower will continue to fill our world without becoming extinct in time, namely by preserving and caring for it in our respective yards or in the gardens that we own. So here are some pictures of the writing. Hopefully it will be a post that will fill positive thoughts with friends who read it.


Please stop taking advantage of our community's reward system. We're happy to support honest posters, not plagiarists.

This is one of the freest communities on Hive with very minimal rules. It's not that hard to participate here.

@freecompliments we had a conversation a few weeks ago about a group of scammers posting in your community. I'm just curious why you're still interested in supporting them, such as this rep 4 account who has zero engagement, says he is in Brazil but only post about Indonesia things apart from when he steals my America post. Hive have no future if curation guilds continue to support scammers and abusers.

CWOW shared a list of these accounts with me a few weeks back - I should share that list with my curator. Didn't notice this person was still posting here.

Please bro lets clean the community

Oh wait, no wonder this was missed... this was their first post here. Anyway, thanks for the heads up!

Whether it's their first or nth post in the community is irrelevant, curators should be checking the account and everything screams abuse. It is frustrating when curators lack experience or do a sloppy job.

Anyway, thanks for responding. Some other curation guilds don't care.

Look, we do manual curation, and can't memorize every single username. It's a lot to ask a curator to dig into every single poster on a community that regularly has >20 posts per day. But your tag certainly does help, and I've shared the list with my curator so we'll definitely stay on the lookout.

You don't need to dig into every single post, a quick look at the account rep will tell you lot. It's not that difficult and not a big ask of any good curator. When I was curating for Pinmapple we had over 40 posts a day, volume never caused us a problem

 2 months ago Reveal Comment