Thank you for your nice comment. I really enjoy when people read the full article - it is by far not the majority here on HIVE.
It is certainly a challenge to shape your son's life. I also think such initiatives are very important and I am happy if I can support them with my product selection. There is certainly cheaper honey to buy than Rolf's, but I am happy to be able to support him (Rolf), the idea of beekeeping in the city of Berlin and the facility that makes employment accessible for those living with disability in this way. And I also get a story for my blog out of it. That's something worth to buy :-)
I think anyone that innovative definitely deserves to bee (see what I did there!) supported, and often, the more boutique products that are made without the input of large corporations are the ones that taste better, so are always worth paying more for. Plus, as you said, you’re supporting someone such as Rolf, and if you happen to get a unique story to share, then even better too.
I get what you’re saying about people not really making it to the end of posts anymore. I often wonder if anyone even reads them sometimes. Curation trails are good in a world where people just want to set and forget, but they seem to remove the need to actually interact with the platform. I’m not sure how you feel about it, but I find that a thoughtful comment tells me my post has been read and really appreciated and, for me, that is often times more valuable than an upvote.