In the intricate dance of life, I've found that Rumi's wisdom rings true: it's like a balancing act where you are sometimes tightening your grip and sometimes consciously breaking free. Finally, looking back at myself, I have learned about this harmony by the range of experiences I've had and invaluable lessons that they have bestowed upon made my life much better.
Life, for me, has many times been like a riotous river the nature of which is likely to be never the same. As clichéd as it might sound, there have been genuine moments of elation, satisfaction and bravery—where I clutched with fervor to my dreams and purposes—that made my life. However, the road of new discoveries and pain was paved with moments of hardship and loss as well, and it was wisdom to learn prodding letting go made my way easier.
One of the most significant lessons that I understood about handling in, was undergoing the difficult period of acedemic stress. Spurred by an assertive will power, I was hopelessly caught up in the spirit of a difficult education submerged in unexpected sleeplessness and overwhelming hurdles. In such moments, grip was more than a literal handhold. Rather, it meant giving deeper and deeper in order to muster every particle of Northern in me.
Or while understanding that no one is capable of controlling it and sometimes we just need to let it go, whenever life surprised me. With situations which I had no power to control for example, the end of loving relationship and the loss of the beloved coming my way, clinging was thus a useless exercise. These instances of sadness and sorrow became the instruments through which I experienced a creativeness transformation, shedding off my hold on expectations, regrets, and outcomes that was beyond my control.
In the ups and downs of life's currents, I have discovered that one can not possibly develop these two opposing forces of holding on and letting go together. Similarly, they could be likened to the breathing process, whereby they are made use of to relay a vital pulse which promotes the heart and mind to develop well.
When we hold on, we possess by this special power of resilience, persistence, and hardness. We hold to our wishes, values and our insight not only to us but also to being the overcomers of the challenge.
However, in giving up, we free ourselves to the world of true and absolute coming to terms with the beauty that surrounds us. We drop the bags of yesterday, the fairy tales of tomorrow, and the chains that hold us, like ultra-lightweight clothes, to let life flow in harmony and evenly.
It is a dance of strength and vulnerability, in which one flexes muscles and destroys inner walls, all of which constitute the fabric of existence.
The fact that that Rumi's words feel so poignant and reassuring to me when they have stood the test of time, proves that they can guide me through any situation in life, guiding me to the realization of the true nature of one's existence.
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