What Will You Do If You Have Telekinesis

in FreeCompliments2 months ago

The next story, really fresh off the press, is titled "The Boy with Telekinesis."

I used to read a lot of mind power stuff like works of Norman Peele and several others. Norman Peele is just the one coming to my mind right now.

One of those readings, not from Norman Peele, was about the concept of Oneness, how everything is interconnected. Right then and there it sparked an idea in my mind, if its true then telekinesis is achievable.

The story is about Quinn, a paraplegic boy who learned telekinesis. Watch the vid (and hopefully subscribe) to learn what happened happened. Sorry I don't want to spoil it. It's a really short vid, so it won't take much of your time.

The question really is what would you do if you really do achieve having telekinesis? No one would know its you. Me, I'll probably enjoy free drinks from vending machines.