in FreeCompliments4 months ago


This project started recently. Today we have another interesting story. Please follow me and let us explore it.
This is the life story of an acquaintance of mine. It narrates his journey in search of a life partner. I implore you to read on.


Several years ago, a young man reached marriageable age. He experienced the challenges of choosing the right partner. Despite his efforts to find a suitable mate, he struggled. He was determined to avoid making mistakes in his choice.

He decided to entrust the selection process to a mediator. However, this approach was risky as the mediator might impose their own preferences instead of his.

The young man was a pastor. He prayed fervently and even fasted, seeking a partner who would complement him and his ministry. Despite his prayers, no suitable match was found. He even resorted to seeking divine confirmation through various means, all to no avail.

All the introductions and recommendations he received from others proved fruitless. He scoured both urban and rural areas where his denomination had a presence, but to no avail.

One day, he penned a letter to the Almighty God, acknowledging Him as the Creator who ordains suitable companions for individuals. He detailed his thoughts and feelings, surrendering his will to that of God. He relinquished his personal preferences in favor of aligning with God's divine will.

As the year drew to a close, he found solace in the hymn "All to Jesus I Surrender" by Winfield S. Weeden, singing:

I surrender all,
I surrender all;
All to Thee, my blessed Savior,
I surrender all.

One day while reflecting in a nearby marketplace, he lamented the absence of a partner as the year ended. Suddenly, a voice addressed him by name, urging him to be patient.

It was then that God intervened in the young man's quest for a partner. A woman visited his local church for the first time, catching his attention. As she introduced herself to the congregation, the pastor sensed a divine connection.

Despite initial doubts, the pastor received a message to be cautious about the woman. Over time, he realized that she was the partner divinely destined for him.

Their relationship faced challenges, with the pastor's initially misjudging her intentions. However, as they interacted more, he came to appreciate her sincerity.

After some time, the woman agreed to marry the pastor, despite his previous harsh words towards her. Their union was met with resistance from the pastor's family, but they eventually wedded.

On their wedding night, the pastor discovered that his wife was a virgin at the age of twenty-five, fulfilling his private prayers. Their marriage bore five children, but tragedy struck when his wife fell ill. She battled the sickness for twenty-three years, passing away when their youngest child was eleven.


  1. Trusting in divine timing and surrendering personal desires to God's will can lead to unexpected blessings.
  2. Patience and faith are essential in waiting for the right partner chosen by God.
  3. Initial doubts and challenges in relationships can be overcome with understanding and sincerity.
  4. Family resistance should not deter one from following the path set by God.
  5. Appreciating and valuing one's partner is crucial for a successful and fulfilling marriage.
