Our 3 veggie planters have been going great in these warm months... keeping us well stocked with leafy greens, and we had been keeping one planter ready for tomatoes and capsicums. And now that our stupidly busy period is complete... well, it was time for a trip to the nursery to pick up some little veggies to plant!
... and we came away with a few boxes of veggies, herbs and fruit. Three different varieties of strawberry, some basil, some coriander, two red capsicums, and four different types of tomatoes!

... and in this last box, two little plants of rocket.

Now, according to our HIVE feedback from our last veggie post... we can plant a bit closer than we had expected... and so, we will try to seperate a few things so that we have a bit more space to add in an extra plant or two in each of the populated planters.
These chards are going stupendously fast... and we keep harvesting them!

...likewise with the lettuces. We are constantly picking away at them... perhaps not every day, but at least three times a week to make a small salad for dinner! And they are still going strong! We probably can fit the rocket in this planter though... one in the middle, and one off to the side? Unless my wife demands that it is symmetrical...

I did forget to separate the leeks... so, they are clumped a bit... lesson learnt for next time! We have been also putting crushed egg shells and old coffee grounds into the planters as well.. our in-laws had recommended doing this... and we are dutifully doing it! I do wonder if too much would end up being bad though...

And here are the new plantings... I did the four tomatoes varieties in each corner and the two capsicum plants in the middle section. For some reason, my wife didn't want me doing the strawberries or herbs... I think that she wanted to pot them instead of putting them in the planters. But I can do things in pots as well!
... and I think she forgot about the rockets... which should probably go in one of the planters?
... so, we have had great harvests already from our three (and soon to be fourth) planters... and when we finish out the retaining wall, we will have space for ANOTHER four planters!
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ByBit: Leverage and spot trading, next Binance?
OkX: Again, another Binance contender?

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