gardenhive rebloggedvincentnijman in #hive-140635 • 10 days agoWild Gardening con i Gatti@clareartista and I like to spend time into the 'wild' gardens underneath our house. Gardens of people that either aren't here, are only here every now and then ( as they have…gardenhive rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-140635 • 2 months agoFebruary Garden Journal: Abundance of Red ChiliesNo matter how long you wait, you can always find satisfaction when the harvest season arrives!gardenhive rebloggedbengy in #hive-140635 • 2 months agoBricks (again) and TomatoesSigh... it wasn't that long ago when I had moved those bricks in from the street to where they are cgardenhive rebloggedfermentedphil in #hive-140635 • 2 months agoGiving the Wild Rocket a Haircut and Sifting and Sieving Salad Rocket Seeds | A HiveGarden JournalMy wild rocket always grows so quick I cannot keep up. In no time, a bunch of them are seeding and another bunch has grown woodgardenhive rebloggedmacchiata in #hive-140635 • 2 months ago Harvesting and Roasting Sunflower Seeds Gone WrongReady to harvest! Sometimes life just don’t go the way you plan it out to be and.. you just have to roll with the punches.gardenhive rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-140635 • 3 months agoGrowing Water Spinach Using Raised Bed With BricksWater spinach is very easy to grow and is suitable for growing in raised brick beds. ![4581F139-9972-4D1F-95B9-1B5886611720.jpeg](gardenhive rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-140635 • 3 months agoGarden Healing: Enjoying Harvest Tomatoes!Throw away all your worries! Start having fun in the garden! Welcome to garden healing! From nowgardenhive rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-140635 • 3 months agoDecember Garden Journal ChallengeThe last month of 2024. A garden that continues to be blessed by love. Whgardenhive rebloggedowasco in #hive-140635 • 4 months agoRevisiting My Summer Garden for the December Garden Journal ChallengeThe gardening season is well over here in upstate New York, USA. I have not had a chance to post on Hive in quite a while as I am busy studying about my newest passion in life, a…gardenhive rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-140635 • 4 months agoFriday Sharing, Sharing The HarvestSharing is truly an amazing experience! There are many ways to share.gardenhive rebloggedbengy in #hive-140635 • 4 months agoFilling out the last Veggie PlanterOur 3 veggie planters have been going great in these warm months... keeping us well stockedgardenhive rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-140635 • 4 months agoThe Excitement Of Harvesting Shallots On The WeekendThis is not about whether or not gardening is successful. This is about taking advantage of God's opportunity to maximize the use of the land that God has given us.…gardenhive rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-140635 • 5 months agoNovember Garden Journal: Plants Are Increasingly Varied Despite Heavy Rain And WindOnly our enthusiasm will keep us focused on what we do, to achieve what we want. ![C142253E-48B7-43B2-8FF8-5A5AFF57F153.jpeg](gardenhive rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-140635 • 5 months agoGardening Activities For The Last Week Of OctoberThere are many fun gardening activities in the beautiful end of October! Ogardenhive rebloggedakipponn in #hive-140635 • 5 months agoMy First Microgreen Workshop / 初めてのマイクログリーンワークショップLast weekend, I held a microgreens workshop at the local market where I’ve been active for some time. This idea was selected in a state idea contest lgardenhive rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-140635 • 5 months agoMaking Gifts From My Garden HarvestSharing is addictive. And seeing others smile happily receiving gifts from us is a priceless happiness. ![4D183B69-1F1F-498D-996C-9841043909F5.jpeg](gardenhive rebloggedbengy in #hive-140635 • 5 months agoThe First Culling!A nice batch of rain followed by a healthy dose of sun has meant that our fledgling veggie garden has taken ogardenhive rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-140635 • 5 months agoPowerful Eggshells For Organic GardenGardening with an organic system is starting to change lives more, and more every day! ![470CA41C-9836-49B5-BE57-52193A762145.jpeg](gardenhive rebloggedanggreklestari in #hive-140635 • 6 months agoHarvesting Mustard Green FlowersIt feels so good to be able to grow in your own garden a type of vegetable that is hard to find in the market. ![5C03B284-94DA-4B29-ABED-A899666E60B7.jpeg](gardenhive rebloggedakipponn in #hive-140635 • 6 months agoBasil Pesto - Easy Garden to Table for EveryoneLast week, I was busy tidying up the spring and summer plants on the micro balcony. One of the plants I had to pull up was basil, which can't handle the cold. I gratefully used…