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RE: A Big House, Tiny Garden Update for March 2024

in HiveGardenlast year

Gorgeous photos - even of little green seedlings in brown pots. Amazing how bright and beautiful they look. Not to mention the stunning red amaryllis. Of course, you know me. Where does my eye go?


Tell us more about that portrait!

May all your seeds be viable; may all your sprouts grow and flourish!


lol. you would. I'm glad it drew your eye.

It's an oil painting by Gretel Swartzout (not sure of that spelling) who was a waitress in our restaurant in Brooklyn. We had art shows, this was one of the pieces, and I bought it. I still love it, more than thirty years later. I still like most of the art I bought over the years, now that I think about it.

Thank you for the good wishes! I've given up on the spinach, and cooked it all (a small handful) into a meat dish last night. The basil is going to yield enough to make a small batch of pesto, and I'm very happy about that. No sign of the peppers yet. I eagerly await those! I'll be away next week, again (can't wait to stay home for a few weeks, or leave for only short trips to the lake), and I was really hoping they'd show themselves before I left. It's been 13 days since planting.

I got new glasses today, old lady glasses with prism so that I stop seeing double. I feel kinda wonky in them.

You good?

A local artist - and 30 years later you still enjoy her painting on your wall (and how many homes has it adorned now?). That's awesome!
New glasses (with prisms?) - well, even with "old lady glasses" you'll never be Old Lady, not with your vibrant spirit.
I've needed bifocals since age 35. (I went gray at that time too.)
But I had my annual physical today, and Doc proclaimed that I look much younger than I am, and that (the headaches notwithstanding) I am in great shape. He'd put me on Lexapro for the headache and other malaise. Eh. Enough with the pills. Funny thing: this doctor actually read the book I mentioned, How to Change Your Mind: What the New Science of Psychedelics Teaches Us About Consciousness, Dying, Addiction, Depression, and Transcendence
by Michael Pollan -- because a doctor friend had read it and recommended it, but the friend tried LSD (supervised by other medical personnel) and would never do it again; also, years later, he continued to be haunted by an image of his father who had died before this LSD trip, and he just couldn't unsee his dad, much as he wanted to. So, my doctor says, "Don't go there," don't try psychedelics, but "what an interesting book." I'm almost done reading all of it.
If so many on acic or mushroom trips feel connected to God, love, peace, brotherhood, mind expansion, all that, why is our world still so bogged down in political upheaval and war... you'd think someone would drug all the politicians and town mayors and get us all to love one another.
So. Yeah. "You good?" is a loaded question.
May your greens stay green and young long enough for your return!